Deal financing - Posted by CM

Posted by Devon Daughety on June 26, 2005 at 12:26:38:

What state are you in? Unfortnately for cash out refi’s, you can usually only pull out 90% which would only give you about $20K BEFORE closing costs… so it would probably only net you with about $15K…

Deal financing - Posted by CM

Posted by CM on June 25, 2005 at 21:48:48:

Here’s the scenario:

I own a SF rental that is appraised in the low 90’s. eqyuity of about 30k.

I’m interested in ways to use the equity to finance other properties. FICO is near 800 and income is low 80’s.

I’m looking for somneone to work with long-term as I grow my portfolio.

Re: Deal financing - Posted by Eric

Posted by Eric on June 26, 2005 at 21:11:55:

The majority of companies out there will limit you to 90-95% cash out refi, however I have one that will do it up to 100%. It does depend on which state you are in however. Let me know if I can be of any help.