damage after a sale - Posted by Tom Chang

Posted by Nate(DC) on February 28, 2003 at 15:07:53:

If the owner is still in redemption period, you are not yet the owner and therefore have no legal right to be in the house.



damage after a sale - Posted by Tom Chang

Posted by Tom Chang on February 26, 2003 at 10:04:17:

What action can I take to protect a property I purchase at a forclosure sale. The previous owner is still living there and I’m worried he might damage the property in retaliation.
Do I have any way to get into the house and take pictures or get a home inspection done. The referee at the sale said that he could not let me in but could the bank let me in?

Re: damage after a sale - Posted by Frank Chin

Posted by Frank Chin on February 26, 2003 at 10:13:57:

Hi Tom:

You might want to talk to Ben(NJ) who posts regularly here.

He was in the same situation as you, and when he took possesion, the place was destroyed, including windows taken away.

Fortunately, he had the presence of mind to buy insurance, and filed a big claim. Keep in mind that the occupant may prevent your presence or entry onto the premises.

Frank Chin

Re: damage after a sale - Posted by Tom

Posted by Tom on February 26, 2003 at 12:30:08:

so How do I get in contact with him other than posting a note in the forum?

Re: damage after a sale - Posted by Nate(DC)

Posted by Nate(DC) on February 26, 2003 at 14:42:01:


Also to answer your earlier question, the bank cannot get you access. The bank is out of the picture. When you bought the prop at the foreclosure sale, you paid the bank, and now you are the owner!! The bank has their money and they are no longer involved.


Re: damage after a sale - Posted by Tom

Posted by Tom on February 28, 2003 at 08:57:04:

but I only gave a down payment… the bank still holds the deed and the owner still has 30 days to redeem(given by the judge).