Credit score (698) question - Posted by bob

Posted by Brian (WA) on March 21, 2004 at 17:21:46:

Yes, your scores should go up. If you have a balance that is higher than 50% of your credit limit it works negatively against you. And the account that is inactive could be working in a positive way if you had a balance you were paying off.

Credit score (698) question - Posted by bob

Posted by bob on March 21, 2004 at 08:15:44:

I have one cc with a 15,000 limit and 12,000 balance.
I have another card 13,500 balance zero.
If I was to transfer $6000 to the 2nd card would that bring my score up, or is my score dicated by TOTAL avail and TOTAL balances on all of my cards?
Have about $15,000 avail on remainder of cards and about $2000 balance.

Re: Credit score (698) question - Posted by Jeff/RomeGA

Posted by Jeff/RomeGA on March 23, 2004 at 12:40:07:

Yes, paying all balances below 50% will DEFINATELY help your scores, this is a topic I posted about on another thread 3 days before and raised my scores overnight about 6 points by only increasing my available credit from 43% to 59%. The lower balances you carry the better your score will be, and just a couple of points difference and you will be over in the 700 score territory. Good luck. Read my thread a little lower posted on March 17th, I received some good advice.
