Credit Repair - Posted by Bert

Posted by RayB on July 12, 2001 at 14:14:05:

Bert, there are no such companies. There is a big business out there of people that say they can, but it’s a rip off. No matter what they tell you, nothing they can do will repair your credit. In fact they often mess it up more by sending a lot of disclaimers. These are picked up fast be the credit companies and will mess you up more. You have to do it yourself. RayB Sorry, Ray

Credit Repair - Posted by Bert

Posted by Bert on July 12, 2001 at 07:54:43:

I’m looking for a reputable company that can leagally repair my credit. Any information would be great. Thanks for your help.

Re: Credit Repair - Posted by Ray

Posted by Ray on July 20, 2001 at 07:44:34:

Bert, Yesterday pulled a client’a credit report. It showed three bad accounts. Two medical non pays and one store non pay. Checkng with client we found the two medical accounts were paid by an insurance company. and client should never been billed. The store account actually belonged to some one else. Today we will document this to the credit companies and if they agree, clients credit report will be changed. So mistakes on credit reports can be “corrected”, but actual bad credit can not be legally “repaired”. Ray

Re: Credit Repair - Posted by DB(FL)

Posted by DB(FL) on July 15, 2001 at 17:15:06:

There is a company out there called Financial Independence Corp. I learned about it from our local rei club. They claim to legally get rid of problems on your credit reports. Your get a money back guarantee.
I am not a member of F.I.C. So I have no motive for posting this, but the president of our assoc. indicates that they are able to get more people qualified for resale once they get their (buyer) credit repaired with this company. The # on the info is: (954)-227-7505
Good Luck!
P.S. If I still had bad credit when I learned about this company, I would have used it.

Re: Credit Repair - Posted by Bob (Md)

Posted by Bob (Md) on July 12, 2001 at 15:40:59:

Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS). They are a non-profit national organization that (a) can teach you to budget and manage your money and (b) help you repair any current credit problems you have created. They don’t wave a magic wand - you actually end up paying off your debts, getting rid of the bad habits that got you there in the first place, and setting/living within a budget.

There’s no such thing as a quick-fix or free lunch. If you made the mess, you have to clean it up. They can definitely help.