CRE Online Presents: Summer "ENCORE" Webinar Series...

Did you miss any of our training webinars this year? We want to make it easy for you to watch some of our BEST educational webinars.

     2012 CRE Online Summer ENCORE Series

Each webinar is “on demand” for 4 days only. Here are
the dates…

07/12 - 07/15 “Multi-Family Housing for Cash Flow”

07/19 - 07/22 “How to Make BIG Money with Apartments”

07/26 - 07/29 “TODAY’s Winning Foreclosure Strategies”

08/02 - 08/05 “How to Use Banker Secrets to Make Money”

08/09 - 08/12 “How to Buy Houses Without Banks/Credit”

08/16 - 08/19 “How to Get Free Money for Real Estate”

08/23 - 08/26 “How to Buy Houses Using Owner Financing”

If you are a CRE Online Subscriber, we’ll send you an email reminder for each one. No need to register. They are free to attend. Just watch them
“on demand” on your computer–at your convenience.

You can subscribe to CRE Online on our home page:

“Multi-Family Housing” encore webinar…

If you missed this training webinar on how to create monthly cash flow AND permanent, long-term wealth with multi-family houses, you’ll want to be sure to catch the “Encore.”

            On-Demand - 4 Days ONLY

Thursday, July 12th through Sunday, July 15th:

     "How to Achieve Permanent Wealth with
     Apartments & Multi-Family Investments"

You can watch the webinar ENCORE here:

You’ll learn:

 * How to generate full-time passive income from a part-time business

 * How to find, evaluate, and acquire multi-unit projects in the safest markets in the U.S.

 * How to accelerate your results by automatically increasing cash flow and equity growth over time

 * How to dramatically increase your results by using the most proven methods available

 * The 17 distinct metrics you need to know for every market to determine demand, supply, and general market risk

 * How to increase your net worth by $1,184,040 and your monthly income by $18,839 in the next 3.5 years

 * And much more!

Here’s the best part: JP’s co-host was Ray Alcorn, 30-year veteran of commercial real estate and host of our Commercial Forum. He’s going to give you a FREE copy of his “2012-2013 Commercial Real Estate Forecast” just for watching.

No need to register. This webinar “encore” is free to attend. Just click the link to watch it “on demand” on your computer–at your convenience.

Click here to watch the ENCORE:

P.S. The “encore” presentation ends at midnight on Sunday, July 15th.


I cannot seem to find the encore webinar
"How to Buy Houses Without Banks/Credit"
that expires today.
Can you link me?


Hi Linda,
