CRE Online Newsletter - Two new articles... - Posted by Jeanne

Posted by Jeanne on May 20, 2009 at 13:46:45:

If you didn’t receive the CRE Online Newsletter in your
email today, you can subscribe for free here:

We’ve put together a great update for you, including,

  • Two new feature articles from the CRE Online Experts

  • A brand-new DVD home study course

  • A heads-up about an upcoming CRE Online webinar

  • A reminder about a one-of-a-kind workshop for
    “experienced investors only”

Read the current issue of the “CRE Online Newsletter”
by going to:

This issueâ??s Feature Articles:

â??Mobile Home Rehabbing: Your Initial Walk-Throughâ??

Veteran real estate investor, Mike Scarbrough has
some good advice: Donâ??t get distracted by easily
fixed cosmetic repairs.

Your only focus should be the amount of time and
materials it will take to fix this home. Find out
from Mike what you really need to look for…

New Home Study Course:

Just added to the CRE Online Store…Michael
Scarbroughâ??s â??Mobile Home Rehabbing for Investorsâ??
is a 4-DVD video series featuring over 5 1/2 hours
of real-life mobile home rehabbing repairs and

â??10 Things to Bring When You Check out a Propertyâ??

Jeffrey Taylor does all of his own home
inspections (with a few exceptions he leaves to
the pro’s).

Get a list of what â??Mr. Landlordâ?? carries with him
when he goes to check out a potential rental
property to purchase. (Most of these things you
can actually carry on a duty belt.)

Upcoming Events:

Coming Soon! “Apartment House Riches” Webinar

I’ll be sending the complete details to our
Subscribers this Sunday, May 24th, so watch for
my email and reserve your spot right away. These
events always fill up fast.

“How to Get Lenders Fighting to Give You Money”

If you’re tired of not having enough money
available for your deals, and you’re ready to move
your real estate investing up a notch or two, you
need to get the details about this six-month
mentoring program now.

So take a break, relax, and enjoy the tips, tools, and
profit-making information in this issue of the
CRE Online Newsletter:


JP Vaughan, Publisher
Creative Real Estate Online