CRE Online Newsletter - New Site Content! - Posted by Jeanne

Posted by Jeanne on September 03, 2008 at 10:02:04:

“How to Use the HP 12c Financial Calculator”
by Lonnie Scruggs

Suitable for any investor…

It doesn’t matter what types of properties you invest
in…single-family houses, commercial properties,
or mobile homes.

If you want to use the HP 12c financial calculator
to (quickly and easily) structure the best note,
loan, or mortgage, this tutorial will get you there fast.

CRE Online Newsletter - New Site Content! - Posted by Jeanne

Posted by Jeanne on September 03, 2008 at 09:46:20:

If you are NOT a current Subscriber to our email
Newsletter, you can subscribe now for free and
get updates like this in your email.


We’ve put together a great update for you, including
an insightful new article AND a brand-new course by
Lonnie Scruggs. Get a “sneak peak” at an upcoming
online educational event that you, as a CRE Online
Subscriber, can attend as my guest.

Read the current issue of the “CRE Online Newsletter”
by going to:

This issue’s Feature Article:

“Do Things Really Change?”

There have been enormous changes in just about
everything over the years. Prices, wages, rents,
etc. all have increased considerably.

Find out from Lonnie Scruggs ONE thing will never
change and about a niche market that tremendous
money-making opportunities today, just as it did
20+ years ago.

Upcoming Webinar:

“Short Sales in the CRASHING Foreclosure Market”

Homeowners across the country are defaulting in
record numbers, and you can bet there are MANY
more to come.

National foreclosure and short sale expert, Dwan
Bent-Twyford, will teach you how to buy these
distressed properties with very little personal or
financial risk, and get paid, even when there is
no equity in the property.

It’s going to get much worse before it gets
better. And that’s why now is a great time to get
involved. In this crashing foreclosure market, you
simply can’t afford to miss this event!

Brand-New Home Study Course!

“How to Use the Hewlett-Packard 12c Financial Calculator”

Lonnie Scruggs has just finished his brand-new
course on using the HP 12C financial calculator
for your real estate and note deals.

If you think learning to use a financial
calculator is difficult, think again. Lonnie has
made it easy & kept it simple with his hands-on
guide & audio CD course.

So take a break, relax, and enjoy the tips, tools, and
profit-making information in this issue of the
CRE Online Newsletter:


JP Vaughan, Publisher
Creative Real Estate Online