CRE Online Newsletter is ready...

If you didn’t receive the CRE Online Newsletter in your
email today, you can subscribe for free here:

We’ve put together an informative update for you,
including a new feature article by our Commercial Real
Estate expert, Ray Alcorn, plus three new and timely
blog articles.

Read the current issue of the “CRE Online Newsletter”
by going to:

NEW Feature Article:

“Due Diligence: Physical & Legal Conditions”

 In Part 3 of his series on "due diligence,"
 Commercial Real Estate expert and Forum host, Ray
 Alcorn addresses the physical and legal conditions
 to consider when evaluating a potential income

NEW Blog Articles

“Wholesaling: How to Find the Right Kind of House”

 Picking up where he left off in his "Wholesaling
 Real Estate" Blog series, Marko Rubel tells you
 how to find the right kind of house to flip,
 including age, neighborhood, and other great tips. 

“Why You Don’t Need Fannie Mae or HUD”

 Are you ready to find cheap houses without relying
 on Fannie Mae?

 Considering recent trends to the foreclosure
 inventory, you need to get the phone ringing with
 motivated sellers and negotiate your own deals
 across the kitchen table from the people who own
 the house.

“Don’t Flip This House - Milk It”

 Passive income is your KEY to Financial Freedom.
 So when you turn a property into a rental (rather
 than "flipping" it), you're creating a steady
 stream of predictable passive income making it an
 even better investment.

So take a break, relax, and enjoy the tips, tools, and
profit-making information in this issue of the
CRE Online Newsletter:


JP Vaughan, Publisher
Creative Real Estate Online

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