cre convention 2003 - Posted by dogpound

Posted by Rich[FL] on January 11, 2003 at 16:20:48:

Dogpound, why not search the archives for past convention posts. Also, read what others have to say on the current Convention 2003 info pages (see link main page). Let me give you a hint - most of the reviews are from people who have or still do hang out here.

Yes, it’s worth it in my opinion. Even if you don’t pick up some small tidbit of info from the speakers they have, the chance to discuss real estate well into the night with some of the most creative people in the country, many of whom are here quite a bit, is worth the price of admission alone. (That’s called networking.)

But, after reading all the reviews and seeing what others have to say, you have to determine for yourself if you’ll get anything out of it.

“If you think you can, you will.”


cre convention 2003 - Posted by dogpound

Posted by dogpound on January 11, 2003 at 02:22:09:

Have anyone attended the convention and believed that it’s worth the money? Will the newbie learn anything from this convention or you have to invested in real estate for a while to attend the convention? $695.00 it’s a lot of money to spend if you’re not going to learn anyting, other than those junk course/hand out, you usually received at most seminar or convention.

Re: cre convention 2003 - Posted by phil fernandez

Posted by phil fernandez on January 18, 2003 at 17:44:23:

I’ve attended the last 4 CREOnline Conventions and will be attending my 5th one this March.

The convention is a tremendous tool for the new investor. At the convention you will be exposed to many different types of strategies to invest.

You will also meet many longtine expert real estate investors that are more than willing to share their experiences with you.

Beyond the speakers you have the round tables on Saturday night. Here you can pick and choose the experts you want to ask one to one questions to. It’s kinda like Xmas morning when you were a kid and all of these presents were under the tree waiting to be opened. Think of each round table as one of those brightly colored packages just waiting to be opened.

Included in the $695 pacakage are 3 really good breakfast buffets and a nice Friday night dinner. And if you pursue a real estate investing career then the cost of your plane ticket and the convention are tax deductable.

This convention is worth it’s price in gold.