Craigslist - Posted by Billy

Posted by Pete on December 04, 2003 at 24:11:07:

I posted something on craigslist and got 10 or so email responses and a couple of phone calls. It was a good experience and I definately got calls about my ad. I think it depends on the quality of the ad you post thought. Good luck.

Craigslist - Posted by Billy

Posted by Billy on December 03, 2003 at 23:04:28:

Has anyone ever heard of

Re: Craigslist - Posted by Sean

Posted by Sean on December 04, 2003 at 13:47:45:

Craigslist is huge out in the San Fran bay area… it has expanded to other markets now… response will be I suspect proportional to the number of people who know and use it in your city… different cities have differing levels of readership/usership.

As Craigslist’s only marketing to my knowlege is word of mouth.