court records notice of defaults - Posted by david

Posted by kawikaCA on March 11, 2004 at 12:37:20:

I replied to myself so you my not have read this.

It’s actually $89/month.

court records notice of defaults - Posted by david

Posted by david on March 09, 2004 at 14:44:33:

I have twice been to my county court house looking for a list or information on notice of defaults. Twice I have been told by two different people I need some kind of specific information. Any ideas as I don’t have time to look thru 1000’s of records looking for default notices

Re: court records notice of defaults - Posted by Mark

Posted by Mark on March 10, 2004 at 20:16:16:

Tell the county employee that you would like to see the Lis Pendens filed for that week. That should get you pointed in the right direction.

P.S. Don’t mention investing or foreclosure sales or anything like that.That will only muddy their already distorted view , and all you will get is resistance. How do I know this? I’m in the record rooms in my state every day.

Re: court records notice of defaults - Posted by kawikaCA

Posted by kawikaCA on March 09, 2004 at 19:08:59:

Many counties have 3rd party services that will get all that info for you. What state/county are you in? For instance here in southern california we have several. I use For $85 they give me daily NOD and NTS lists in database format with everything to decide if a property is worthwhile including trust deed 1-6 amount, cost to bring current, trustor & address / trustee & ph# / beneficiary names, notice date, where & when it’s to be auctioned, assessed value, zoning, legal desc., year built, sq. ft, rooms, lot size.

Re: court records notice of defaults - Posted by kawikaCA

Posted by kawikaCA on March 10, 2004 at 16:42:36:

It’s actually $89/month.

Re: court records notice of defaults - Posted by ken

Posted by ken on March 10, 2004 at 16:17:37:

Is that $85 a montly fee or a weekly fee?