Corporation? Sole Proprietorship? LLC? - Posted by Amanda

Posted by Bud Branstetter on July 24, 2001 at 20:46:13:

You might want to read Loopholes of the Rich by Diane Kennedy(Kiyosaki’s advisor and Rich Dad co auther.)

Corporation? Sole Proprietorship? LLC? - Posted by Amanda

Posted by Amanda on July 24, 2001 at 14:19:16:

I’m going over the pros and cons of each of the legal entities of business and trying to decide which would be most advantageous to a real estate career. What have you all found to work best?

I had been leaning toward corp, but then read about the hassle corps might have conducting business in other states, and the possibility of being considered a personal holdings company. I know I’ll probably need to see a lawyer or accountant (or both) eventually, but just wanted to get some insight on what works best for everyone here.
