Condo Conversion Question for Ray - Posted by BC Solutions

Posted by BC Solutions on January 20, 2005 at 12:45:47:

Thank you Ray. This is very helpful.

Condo Conversion Question for Ray - Posted by BC Solutions

Posted by BC Solutions on January 19, 2005 at 14:58:19:

Ray, can you explain the process of converting apartment buildings into condos (a.k.a. condo conversion)?
Those are very popular in the DC area - people buying apartment buildings and converting them into condos and then selling individual condos to home buyers.

Re: Condo Conversion Question for Ray - Posted by ray@lcorn

Posted by ray@lcorn on January 20, 2005 at 11:49:07:


Sorry, I have no direct experience with condo conversion deals. However we’ve had a lot of posts here on the subject over the last few years. A search for "condo conversion) in the archives yields 109 posts… pay particular attention to posts by Jim Rayner and Seung Lee.

Jim posted a detailed brief on the process in this thread:

Seung has a website with a few articles on the topic, though specific to the CA market, found at:

That should be more than enough to get you started. You might also contact Jim Rayner directly. His email address is in the posts… just roll your cursor over the name and look in the bottom of your browser.
