Commercial Loan - Posted by Barry

Posted by Barry on August 04, 2005 at 23:23:36:

Thanks for the advise. I do like to do deals that are highly leveraged when they make sense.

Commercial Loan - Posted by Barry

Posted by Barry on August 03, 2005 at 12:31:15:

Are there any 100% LTV programs, with owner taking back a 20-30% second, available for stated income/assets?

Properties value between 0.5MM to 3.5MM
DSCR 1.2+


Re: Commercial Loan - Posted by Don McClain

Posted by Don McClain on August 06, 2005 at 19:12:47:

There are some very aggressive financing programs out there today. As a Commercial Mortgage Banker, we provide 90, 95 and even 100% financing for the right property types and situations. The amortizations are long 20-30 years and the rates are favorable for such high leverage 7.5-8.5%. We always make sure the debt coverage is sufficient.

For the right deal, there is always financing available.


Re: Commercial Loan - Posted by ray@lcorn

Posted by ray@lcorn on August 04, 2005 at 15:42:33:


You’re talking a high-leverage deal?a sharp knife that cuts both ways.

Be careful, and you may want to consider this:


Re: Commercial Loan - Posted by Tien Dang

Posted by Tien Dang on August 29, 2005 at 22:15:13:

Hi I have a project in hand and I was wondering if there is a possbilty that it could be finance through you guys