cluster mailboxes - Posted by Greg Little

Posted by Gary on August 23, 2007 at 19:44:23:

I’ve been told the same thing by a couple Ohio Park owners. Claimed post office paid 50%,union thing,more work in less time from a carrier. Of course when I inquired was told they never heard of such a thing. Try in your area and let us know,maybe we can start a petition or something. Gary

cluster mailboxes - Posted by Greg Little

Posted by Greg Little on August 23, 2007 at 12:29:03:

To enhance park appeal, security and clean-up efforts I am converting to the cluster mailboxes (74 pad park). Can anyone save me some steps and recommend a source BASED ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Thanks.

Re: cluster mailboxes - Posted by jb (IN)

Posted by jb (IN) on August 26, 2007 at 18:35:51:

We bought some for our apartments last year, they were about $2500 and we ordered them from We installed them and the mail carrier loves us…saves her a time and the tenants no longer have to go to the post office to get their mail (the old boxes were so beat up the post office stopped delivering to them).


Here’s a link:

Re: cluster mailboxes - Posted by Rolf

Posted by Rolf on August 24, 2007 at 11:54:20:

My manager has been dealing with the local post office in town and they
have verbally agreed to put them in for free! I’m in Ohio. The existing
ones are pretty much totally rotted.

Re: cluster mailboxes - Posted by Ellen Brenn

Posted by Ellen Brenn on August 24, 2007 at 05:51:27:

We just bought cluster mailboxes for our park, which is comparable size to yours. They cost us about $2,800 plus the area to house them. (Roof, etc.)

We asked at the Post Office before buying, but all they could do was give us a catalog. You also have to talk with the Post Master about where they will be put, height from the ground, etc. They were willing to give us an old outgoing mailbox IF we painted it anything but blue and said we got it at a flea market. We actually have an outgoing mail slot, so don’t need the extra box.

If you need the name, etc. of the company where we purchased, send an email and we will supply it to you.

Re: cluster mailboxes - Posted by Marc Faulkner

Posted by Marc Faulkner on August 23, 2007 at 15:39:30:

I don’t know what state you are in but, in Michigan you get these right from the post office. I hope this helps!