claude diomond - Posted by carmen

Posted by Anna on March 10, 2003 at 10:43:56:

In my opinion, Claude Diamond offers the most complete helpful information out there. I have purchased several courses and his is far and above the very best. I purchased the $2,000 course.

claude diomond - Posted by carmen

Posted by carmen on March 08, 2003 at 19:32:43:

I seldom see any posts about this gentleman. Does anyone know of him or dealt with him in the past? I just did a l/p on a home in Wilmington,De. and made money despite screwing up the whole deal!!! Dago luck I suppose. Anyway, I would appreciate any info on Mr. Diamond. Thank you.

Re: claude diomond - Posted by GL - ON

Posted by GL - ON on March 09, 2003 at 09:26:44:

I have his L/O book and was disappointed in it. Not much to it. The Multiple Streams of Income book advertised on this site is way better and it is for free.