Carltons out of the closet,, does it works? - Posted by Fredy R.

Posted by Kirk Stevenson on September 13, 2000 at 23:54:59:

oh yeah, you go girl!!! LOL

Carltons out of the closet, does it works? - Posted by Fredy R.

Posted by Fredy R. on August 20, 2000 at 10:54:15:

I had CS in the closet for over a year, I’m finally ready to start this, but I’m wondering if it really works. could someone tell me how much real time it takes to understand the financial thinking of buying with no money down. could someone also tell me about their successful outcomes with CS.

Re: Carltons out of the closet, does it works? - Posted by edward thompson

Posted by edward thompson on August 22, 2000 at 10:00:35:

Yes it works. I just closed on my first house today
If you want details call my cell#352-339-3575. No
Money Down but like he says in his course the first
one is the hardest.

Re: it works - Posted by Laurieann Kern

Posted by Laurieann Kern on August 22, 2000 at 08:43:56:

YES, and I am proof that it does. I hold over $1 million in no money down realestate properties and I am currently on his TV infomerical. I am the red haired lady talking about the internet.

Re: Carltons out of the closet, does it works? - Posted by JoeS

Posted by JoeS on August 21, 2000 at 06:28:22:

It does work…I have sold dozens of homes to people who have bought CS course, read it, put it away. My ad in the newspaper is what brought them out of the closet. Most who buy it are all juiced up when watching the TV ad, buy, read, then decide that I probably can’t do it in my area. Into the closet it goes, along with the other 5 or 6 money making courses.
Listen to this wise proverb, memorize it, paste it on the back of your medicine cabinet door, say it 20 times a day, live by it…“If you do what most people won’t, then you will be able to do what most people can’t!!!” Think about it. It’s true.

Re: Carltons out of the closet, does it works? - Posted by scott greene

Posted by scott greene on August 20, 2000 at 20:34:51:

Yes It can if you are determined. A great proverb says the greatest joy in life is to do what others say you can’t. Carltons course is a good starting point but as you will find , your own ingenuity is the key to sucess.

Re: it works - Posted by Mrs SD

Posted by Mrs SD on August 23, 2000 at 10:02:07:

Congratulations Laurieann!!

Do you only buy and hold? Or, do you practice multiple rei strategies?

Mrs SD

Just a thought?? - Posted by Jeff

Posted by Jeff on August 30, 2000 at 16:44:10:

Think about where you are now,where you’ll be in ten years if you don’t do it,and where you can be if you do do it.
“The only risk you’ll ever regret is the one you don’t take”.
This is what I think about,and I’m going for it because “I will not be denied”.
It’s just my thoughts.

Re: Carltons out of the closet, does it works? - Posted by Brandon Treat

Posted by Brandon Treat on August 21, 2000 at 02:29:44:

Fredy… Almost once a day someone here posts something almost exactly like your post, where you are wondering for a yes/no answer as to whether the system works, there are hundreds of posts on this site where those questions have been answered over and over again, read around before posting such general questions please. I certainly don’t mean to be a jerk but seriously posts EXACTLY like yours go up every other day, from people who just show up and post, without ever taking a real look at the wonderful boards you have access to here.

Re: it works - Posted by Laurieann Kern

Posted by Laurieann Kern on August 23, 2000 at 12:24:06:

We buy and hold for a period of time depending on the local market. We always sell by lease purchasing to qualified buyers and never use a real estate agent for selling our homes.

Re: Carltons out of the closet, does it works? - Posted by Lisa

Posted by Lisa on August 22, 2000 at 13:49:15:

Brandon, so thoughtful of you to point out “Fredy’s” error. You know, there are people out here that are unfamiliar with posting and forums like this… I suppose from your post, you are the type that was told not to ask questions in school if the subject had already been covered? I admit I am new to the “forum/posting” thing myself, and if I have a question I’ll ask it… be it already mentioned prior, or not. Not all of us have 24 hrs in the day to sit here and read every post. And new people obviously join in every day unaware the topic has already been addressed. If you don’t want to be concerned with something already addressed, why don’t you just skip reading it. Be nice. And “Fredy”… YOU GO BOY!

Re: it works - Posted by Hope

Posted by Hope on August 24, 2000 at 04:22:00:

I no it works but I have not a clue the 1st step to take. I have a family and I really want to get the thing started if only I knew which direction to take. Please anyone out there in Columbus,OH that tried CS, please reply on this. I really want advice from anyone. For all of that have put this course to work PLEASE HELP. Laurieann if you get this please reply and give me a few tips. Thanks Again everybody who wants to help me get my feet wet…

Re: Carltons out of the closet, does it works? - Posted by Kirk Stevenson

Posted by Kirk Stevenson on September 13, 2000 at 23:52:46:

thank you lisa,

as a newbie I have a zillion questions and I know that they have all been asked but I have not answered them and I do not have time to sit and read every post(but tonight I will read as much as I can this being my first time here) but it is good to know that there are people that will repond to the munotinous questions from the new folks, and hopefully we new folks will recipricate and not be so pained as to ignore the new post that ask the same old questions when we turn pro !!! thanks for your patience…you and every other “PRO” that still find the gleam in the newbies eye(post) refreshing!!!

I feel like a kid in a candy store where everything is free!!!

Re: Carltons out of the closet, does it works? - Posted by mike

Posted by mike on September 02, 2000 at 10:07:10:

Lisa, you go Girl!