Carlton Sheets BLUE, GREEN & RED? - Posted by Andrew (DE)

Posted by Bob (oh) on August 21, 2002 at 04:21:12:

I believe that the color code has something to do with program updates.
In other words, when ever they update the program, they change the color. New information, success stories and maybe they delete outdated material.
The reason I say this is because I remember seeing something about a person who wanted to sell a set and the big question was “what color is it”

Carlton Sheets BLUE, GREEN & RED? - Posted by Andrew (DE)

Posted by Andrew (DE) on August 20, 2002 at 17:04:54:

I know that I have seen this before; however, I could not find it in the archieves. I have noticed that the Carleton H. Sheets course comes in three colors: Blue, Green, and Red. I have an older green set (c) 1998. If I am remembering correctly, they are different colors for different purposes. Do any of the “senior postors” (not an age dig!), Mr. Star, et al, have the answer? THANKS! Happy investing! - Andrew

Re: Carlton Sheets BLUE, GREEN & RED? - Posted by TCR

Posted by TCR on August 24, 2002 at 02:20:28:

I just got the newest set - it’s blue.