Carleton Sheets program - Posted by Amanda

Posted by Dan Stra on April 17, 2002 at 09:30:49:

The course is excellent if you do not have a broad understanding of real estate. If helps you to understand a lot of the jargon and the principles of the industry. Keep in mind that CRE involves not only knowledge of the RE markets but also knowledge of various financing methodologies. True, SOME (but not all or most) of the ideas he poses are somewhat outdated in their practical application in todays market but as an exercise they are invaluable as they help you to think differently about real estate.

It is truly more important to master the concepts than it is for someone to give you a step by step. Life is too complex for step by step most times. Once you have INTERNALIZED CRE concepts you will be able to look at properties and process multiple financing methods.

The Sheets course is great for getting more braod and generalized understanding of CRE.

It is a worth while investment and, to date, is the only course I have purchased. (I am on my 4 single family and own a 6 family and I picked them all up using his techniques.)

Hope this helps.


Carleton Sheets program - Posted by Amanda

Posted by Amanda on April 16, 2002 at 10:45:18:

Hi! I’m a 27 year old, who is currently renting a 2 bd apt for $700 a month in WI. I saw the infomercial regarding the No Down payment program. Does this truly work? I am motivated and would like to be able to get out from renting and start owning my own home and other properties. Is this the right tool for me? Please help. Thanks, Amanda

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by JoeS

Posted by JoeS on April 19, 2002 at 06:40:45:

There is no course made today that has all the info you will ever need! This business starts with getting a basic knowledge and then applying what you learn. Some people can read until they grow old and still say they need help! The best thing to do is start you education somewhere, be it Carlton or even at the local Library. Join the local REI club, talk with other investors, ask questions here, buy what ever course or books you can afford, but DO IT!

Books and courses are like a toolbox. I know a master woodworker who has small set of tools, no power tools, just hand tools. He turns out beautiful works of art. I on the other hand have a large selection of tools and struggle just to cut a straight line! It is not the fault of the tools, but my knowledge of how to use them!

Same in this business. Get a basic knowledge, get out into the streets, uncover some MOTIVATED sellers and go for it!

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by bernard collier

Posted by bernard collier on April 17, 2002 at 22:35:41:

NEVER listen to the nay sayers.
If you want it, apply it, it can happen. I was just stupid enough to believe and actually brought a property within 30 days and recieve money at closing. Go figure.

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by DataMinor2

Posted by DataMinor2 on April 17, 2002 at 19:59:49:

There you have it, Amanda, one in 7 people have made it work.(or so they say). Now if your a smart girl and I think you are, you’ll go to Ebay, by the Green version for under 75 and you’ll have all the information any of the rest of these folks has with one exception, you have to understand the basic financial princples of buy and sell, present value and future value, time value of money. If these terms are not fimiliar, you need to go first to your local community college and take either the basic real estate course or some basic finance courses. All the material in Carleton’s or carlton’s or Karltonn’s courses is basic real estate practices with minor twists(creative thinking or financing or however you want to label it). He is or was (I have no personal knowledge)the best at selling a dream and in the process, you get some basic education. Kinda like sitting in high school. Your parents made you go to this stupid place but you’d rather be “hang-in out”. So now you have a basic education and “what” to show for it. Goals is the first approach, make them, repeat them and live by them. After you pass the first one or two, it gets so easy you’ll be wondering how did I ever function before. Good Luck!

Also… - Posted by Justin (MN)

Posted by Justin (MN) on April 16, 2002 at 12:57:44:

If you haven’t already, start visiting the Main News Group board. Pay attention to the smart people: Joe Kaiser and JohnBoy are a few of many. Ask questions and prepare to learn fast. There are so many other investors to help you.


Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by Justin (MN)

Posted by Justin (MN) on April 16, 2002 at 12:53:58:

Carleton’s techniques are outdated. They still work, but you will have a very hard time finding the motivated seller who will do them. The reason is, they are confusing and not simple to follow. However, he provides many good ideas and has lots of other information for beginners. Do not buy from the PEI. Go to and search for Carleton Sheets - do another search for Carlton Sheets (notice the difference in spelling). Bid on the blue edition. Most of these sellers have listened to a few tapes and given up. The key to REI is persistance. MAKE GOALS! That is so important. Don’t let yourself give up - continue to educate yourself (buy the right books!).
Here are some links to cut and paste into your address bar BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE:

Good luck with your investing!


Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by Chris

Posted by Chris on June 05, 2002 at 20:53:36:

Dear Joe S,

That’s the final answer I’ve been looking for. I was actually going to take a poll of this board for a month just to tally up the “yea and nays”. You just saved me alot of time.




Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by bernard collier

Posted by bernard collier on April 17, 2002 at 22:33:39:

NEVER listen to the nay sayers.
If you want it, apply it, it can happen. I was just stupid enough to believe and actually brought a property within 30 days and recieve money at closing. Go figure.

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by Jeff

Posted by Jeff on April 17, 2002 at 13:10:34:

now you tell me, i also bought his other course and all were bought from PEI. I am glad you said that his techniques are confusing, i thought it was just me

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by KC

Posted by KC on April 16, 2002 at 13:58:56:

What is this about C. Sheets’ program being outdated? Please explain. I ordered his program and am half way through, so this sounds like bad news. (P.S. I like what I’ve learned so far from CS.)

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by Joyce Fraser

Posted by Joyce Fraser on April 20, 2002 at 23:20:21:

bernard my name is Joyce. You are so right about nay-sayers. I have Carlton’s Program also. Very informative. Maybe we could do some deals soetime.

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by Jerri

Posted by Jerri on April 18, 2002 at 18:40:04:

I just wanted to let you know that the key to UNDERSTANDING what is in the course is repeated exposure. I have listened to the CD course probably 15 times total over a year and a half…and everytime I listen things become more clear and I catch something I hadn’t caught before. When I first bought the course I thought “there isn’t any real information here”…but as I said, I listened and listened and listened.

Don’t make excuses about this. I listen to it in the car on the way to work, then on the way home. You won’t understand it the first time through…but listen again cuz it will make more and more sense. After the 3rd time I would then sit down with the books to help make the numbers make sense. Good luck.

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by TomG

Posted by TomG on April 16, 2002 at 15:26:19:

I have the course but it has been over a year since I went through it but one thing that comes to mind is that he spends quite alot of time on finding assumable mortgages. Well those haven’t been around since like the 70’s so finding one now would be virtually impossible but back when CS was actually doing RE they were everywhere.

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by Bernard Collier

Posted by Bernard Collier on April 21, 2002 at 17:37:30:

Maybe we can do something in the future, just email me

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by Ernie

Posted by Ernie on April 16, 2002 at 16:45:11:

I am considering purchasing one of Carlton Sheets blue edition courses on Ebay for around $100.00. I have seen the TV infomercials and they look interesting. I would appreciate any feedback either pro or con concerning the Sheets courses. I read one email saying that he talks a lot about assumables, is that so? Even in the newer blue editions? Please let me know what you all think about these courses before I blow $100 on them. Thanks.

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by Joyce Fraser

Posted by Joyce Fraser on April 21, 2002 at 22:15:18:

I will be emailing you soon. This is how the big wigs do it. Band together and split profits. talk to you soon.

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by Kenny

Posted by Kenny on April 16, 2002 at 20:18:35:

I have been thinking for a long time about buying Carleton Sheets program and could not decide to or not.I don’t want to, if it is out dated and will not work.I would like more information on this before I make up my mind.

Re: Carleton Sheets program - Posted by DANNY CORNETT

Posted by DANNY CORNETT on April 29, 2002 at 09:30:37: