can we sell half interest in our rental? - Posted by Doug

Posted by John Merchant on January 08, 2010 at 12:58:29:

The reality is that while you or I can legally sell anything we own (unless we’re under legal/contractual constraints), there are very few interested buyers in a partial interest in anything.

Suggestion: Casually mention to your father-in-law that you are selling your 1/2 interest so he may be getting a new partner quite soon…and see what happens.

FIL might suddenly become very interested in buying out your 1/2 or selling his to you for a bargain basement price and your problem will have been solved.

I’ve been involved in several such “partial” sales, most always to one of the other partial owners.

can we sell half interest in our rental? - Posted by Doug

Posted by Doug on January 08, 2010 at 11:04:14:

My wife and I own a rental house with her father. We own half and he owns half. Can we sell our half without the consent or knowledge of her father?