Calling on "We Buy Houses" signs - Posted by JT-IN

Posted by Curt Dalton on March 09, 2004 at 18:12:36:


Calling on “We Buy Houses” signs - Posted by JT-IN

Posted by JT-IN on March 07, 2004 at 22:35:04:

I have been in FL the last few weeks, working some foreclosures in various areas… While in several different areas, I have talked to other RE investors and asked the question… "Do you ever call up any of these investors who post these “We Buy Houses” signs…? Well it seems that no one that I have talked to is doing so, so I thought that I would…

In a number of telephone conversations, (just about all positive), I have discussed with them what type of experiences that they are obtaining…? Of course, right up front I let them know that I am from out of town and not looking to use Bandit Signs… but I mainly asked if they ever get deals that they look to assign to another investor…? Most said “why yes we do” or “once in a while when we get too many deals to handle”. I also planted the seed of several things that I am seeking, and if they are not pursuing this area, maybe they could do so and contact me with any positive responses… instead of passing on those areas as they are now…

So the bottom line is… why not use the results of someone else’s marketing cost and shoe leather…? If you are in a position to exercise on an assignment of a decent deal, this approach may bring you a few deals here and there… I have generated a small list that I will stay in touch with, continuing to follow up with them, letting them know that you are a player, and if they have a deal to assign, they will likely think of “who”…?

Just another approach that can generate some deals out there, that may be looking for a home.

Just the way that I view things…


Re: Calling on “We Buy Houses” signs - Posted by Tee

Posted by Tee on March 15, 2004 at 23:13:52:

I think that’s a good idea/I have called other investors just as you have just to see if we could do business/If your are ever looking to do business in OH or MI please send me an email @ should be able to work together as investors/

Re: Calling on “We Buy Houses” signs - Posted by Bart

Posted by Bart on March 09, 2004 at 06:40:59:

I’ve not only called them but had them call me looking for someone to flip deals to. The deals they were presenting to were miserable. I would love to have someone flip profitable deals to me but my experience has been less than desirable. At first I thought they just did not know what they were doing. I finally decided they were keeping the good ones and trying to dump deals on anyone stupid enough to swallow the over-inflated ARV’s and comps that were not comparable. I finally requested they not waste my time with nonsense like that and have not heard from them since.

Re: Calling on “We Buy Houses” signs - Posted by Ken (Fl)

Posted by Ken (Fl) on March 08, 2004 at 20:46:40:


You didn’t call me!
I have been calling on those signs for a bit. Mostly I get a recording. I leave a message and usually don’t hear back. I must not be that convincing or they aren’t looking to deal. My favorites are the ones caught by surprise. I don?t think they know what to say when another investor calls. Any thoughts?

God Bless,

I agree…Great idea - Posted by kawikaCA

Posted by kawikaCA on March 08, 2004 at 10:30:51:

You might also give a call to the mob in the classified under Real Estate Wanted.

Re: I agree with Phil - Posted by Ed Garcia

Posted by Ed Garcia on March 08, 2004 at 10:29:21:


I do agree with Phil, and your foresight is excellent.

However the reason I posted ?I agree with Phil? is if we play our cards right and butter up to Phil, I know we can put him together to buy us a drink at the convention.

Now how do you like that for foresight?


Ed Garcia

Excellent Idea JT nt. - Posted by phil fernandez

Posted by phil fernandez on March 08, 2004 at 08:37:18:


Re: Calling on “We Buy Houses” signs - Posted by Jeff Higgens

Posted by Jeff Higgens on March 17, 2004 at 12:47:39:

Real Investors…answer the phone …mostly seminar junkies…whith the phone recorders…or seeking the buyers that are very desperate, and then I have moral issues there…

What Does That Mean? - Posted by Curt Dalton

Posted by Curt Dalton on March 09, 2004 at 11:44:22:

I’m either slow in understanding that or you’re being unnecesarily sarcastic to JT.

I hope its the latter.

LOL See You At The Convention Ed nt - Posted by phil fernandez

Posted by phil fernandez on March 08, 2004 at 13:09:47:


Re: What Does That Mean? - Posted by kawikaCA

Posted by kawikaCA on March 09, 2004 at 18:03:14:

You’re slow. The “mob” meaning all the “We buy houses” investors that might be able to send properties JT’s way.

The Former - Posted by Curt Dalton

Posted by Curt Dalton on March 09, 2004 at 13:02:57:
