Buying houses as a Credit Investor???? - Posted by Nicole

Posted by Rodrigo Rodrigues on December 28, 2001 at 07:03:00:

try this article posted by ron***starr,

Buying houses as a Credit Investor??? - Posted by Nicole

Posted by Nicole on December 27, 2001 at 21:08:03:

I am a credit investor in GA with a 700+ credit score.
Another investor wants to use my credit to buy houses, lease option it, I get cash at initial closing, he takes out 1 years’ worth of mortgage payments and makes the mortgage payments and handles daily activities concerning house. When buyer exercises their option to buy and the house settles, I get $ at final closing as well. My question is: What are the pros and cons of this type of deal? I don’t want my good credit messed up.

Please respond in laymans terms,

Novice Investor