Boost the Economy/There IS something we can do! - Posted by JohnBoy

Posted by JohnBoy on September 17, 2001 at 10:54:18:

It was down by 620 and now 460, so it’s coming back up so far.

Boost the Economy/There IS something we can do! - Posted by JohnBoy

Posted by JohnBoy on September 15, 2001 at 10:25:12:

Please read and forward this to everyone you know. Far be it from me
to tell people to go blow their hard-earned money, but if there’s
something you have been needing (or just wanting), now is the time to

Rally Around Economy, as Well as Flag

Friday, September 14, 2001
By Scott Norvell

If there is one glimmer of good flickering in the darkness that has
been this week in America, it has been the way Americans are pulling

Donations of blood and money are pouring in. Flowers and food are
appearing anonymously on the steps of fire stations. U.S. flags rise
in the rubble of lower Manhattan, shroud the crumbled corners of the
Pentagon and flutter from trucks, bicycles and backpacks.

We have apparently rediscovered what sometimes seemed lost only a
week ago: we are a nation, not just a country.

But there is an ominous shadow looming as we head into the weekend,
and it is in the darkened faces and dour mood of those who made
America what it is - its consumers.

It is on the backs of consumers and free markets that we have built
the most diverse economy, the strongest entrepreneurial ethos, the
most socially mobile society the world has ever known. It is this the
terrorists want to destroy. Blood is their means, but not their end.
Our way of life is what they mean to destroy.

We cannot let them.

Americans have shown how generous we are in recent days. Now there is
one more thing we can do. Just as we rally around the flag, we can
rally around the market that made us what we are. We can spend money.

In a memo to employees earlier this week, Ellen Beswick, Editor and
Publisher of Virginia-based Intelligence Press, Inc., raised the
rallying cry. She beseeched her colleagues to take “the one extremely
powerful action that any American can take right now to stem the
losses and get us back on track.” She told them to buy something.
Anything. A stock. A television. A five-year supply of toothbrushes.

We should all follow Beswick’s lead. The best signal we can send to
those who would bring us to our knees is a Dow graphic on Monday
poking through the top of the chart - not unlike a giant middle

Hans Nordemann, president of Norquest Capital, said it best on Fox
News Channel Friday morning. “We need to go forward and show what
we’re made of,” he said. “We need to show them that they can wound
us, but we’ll come back stronger, not weaker. That’s an enemy to be
fearful of: an enemy that comes back stronger.”

So instead of staying home this weekend, go out. Take someone to a
movie. Go out to dinner. Buy your kid a new toy, or your lover a
knick-knack. If you can’t get out, buy something online. Send flowers
to your mother. Order that book you’ve been meaning to buy.

And when the market opens Monday at 9:30 a.m., plop a couple buy
orders on the table at Schwab or Morgan-Stanley. It doesn’t have to
be much. Buy 10 shares of EMC or, better yet, 20 shares of Espeed, a
spin-off of Cantor Fitzgerald, the financial firm that lost hundreds
of its workers on Tuesday.

Each such act, no matter how seemingly minor, sends a message to
those who would revel in our demise. It sends the message those who
died this week - and are sure to die in the struggle now confronting
us - did not, and will not, do so in vain. It sends the message that
this country and its economy, a country of the people, by the people
and for the people - to borrow one of our greatest phrases - shall
never perish from the earth.

Scott Norvell is executive editor of

Re: Boost the Economy/There IS something - Posted by Rob FL

Posted by Rob FL on September 17, 2001 at 10:14:09:

Sad to say but the DOW is down almost 500 points after only 90 minutes of trading. Hopefully it will go back up within the next few days or weeks.

Uh, okay, you twisted my arm! - Posted by Jim FL

Posted by Jim FL on September 16, 2001 at 24:06:21:

Thanks for sharing.
My thoughts exactly. (Help our country by helping the economy)
In fact, even though things had been slow here for the week, I managed to make some “followup calls” today and will be signing some deals as a result.
These were sellers who were “on the fence”, and after I called them to “just touch base”, they agreed to sell.
“Mr./Mrs. Seller, this is Jim, I was just calling to touch base, I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, but this week as you know has been rather hectic. I was wondering if we could talk about buying your house? I am still interested, and wanted to know if you had given my offer any thought?”

So, two more deeds this week, and plenty more to get after that.

There was one clown here who put something in the local paper about how he will be donating some of his profits for the month to the red cross.
But, he stated this in a letter to the paper, and they included his business name and contact info.
Do you think people will buy from him just because he is donating some profits to a good cause?
Sure they will.

I’m not really upset at him for this tactic, I just wish I’d have thought of it first.

Wanna buy a house in Illinois?

Jim FL

Aint Skeered! - Posted by TC

Posted by TC on September 15, 2001 at 22:14:53:

I will be buying (Closing) on TWO deals Monday at 2:30 against what a friend had told me.I want to be part of the Solution and not the Problem!

One More Thing - Posted by Wayne-NC

Posted by Wayne-NC on September 15, 2001 at 21:42:01:

When you buy, look for products that are “Made in the U.S.A.” Now watch our economy grow!

One thing to add, if you don’t BUY stock - Posted by Ben (NJ)

Posted by Ben (NJ) on September 15, 2001 at 11:08:56:

at least DON’T SELL! Do not start panicking, dumping stock, pulling money out of banks, etc. This is exactly what these scumbags want and we CANNOT and WILL NOT give it to them! I personally don’t care if my portfolio goes to zero tomorrow, I refuse to sell ANYTHING. F*** THEM!

Re: Boost the Economy/There IS something - Posted by JohnBoy

Posted by JohnBoy on September 17, 2001 at 10:56:55:

Also, they’re saying it’s the airlines stock that is causing this. They’re claiming everything else has been doing OK. We’ll see what happens by the end of the day.