Bill, ? on course - Posted by J. H.

Posted by J. H. on November 11, 2003 at 20:06:33:

just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your courses that I purchased. Just wanted folks to know that I was the reason I messed up, it was not the fault of your courses; I am hoping on closing on my first deal this week.

Bill, ? on course - Posted by J. H.

Posted by J. H. on November 11, 2003 at 09:24:19:

Please refer to the question below about your course. Thanks so much

Re: Bill, ? on course - Posted by Bill Bronchick

Posted by Bill Bronchick on November 11, 2003 at 11:22:14:

Your question requires me to give an answer I am not comfortable giving, which is “back dating” and “fudging” things. I would never recommend someone do such such a thing.


Re: Bill, ? on course - Posted by J. H.

Posted by J. H. on November 11, 2003 at 17:36:06:

This is why I am asking you what to do because I don’t feel comfortable doing it the wrong way. I want to know how to do it the correct way even if it means starting a new corp. and closing the other. After all, I have your corporation course and it would not be hard to form another corp. Thanks Bill

Re: Bill, ? on course - Posted by Bill Bronchick

Posted by Bill Bronchick on November 11, 2003 at 17:44:38:

The correct way is to form the corp, issue stock in exchange for consideration, then apply for the S election, form 2553. You have 75 days from the time the corporation first had shareholders or first began doing business. If you have a calendar year, you had until March 15th to file the election.

You could have issued stock in exchange for a note, which can be converted to cash now.