Best Workshop I've been to!! - Posted by Lyal

Posted by Ron F (OH) on October 08, 2004 at 15:57:36:

It was great meeting you as well.

I too continue to be dumbstruck every deal I do. I learn something new each time.

I’ve been searching the papers and MLS for l/h deals as well, but have had no luck yet. It’s only a matter of time!

Take care

Best Workshop I’ve been to!! - Posted by Lyal

Posted by Lyal on October 07, 2004 at 20:12:51:

It was just incredible spending 3 days with “The Father of Mobile Home Investing”, “The Master Deal Maker”, “The Note Magician” and the budding “Dynamic Duo of Land Home Packages”.

OK that’s a little thick but you get my drift. These guys KNOW their stuff. I learn something more each time I go and they’re a heck of a lot of fun to hang out with. Unlike some seminars where the principals disappear to another hotel at night, these guys are right there the entire time talking, answering questions, telling stories, hanging out with the crowd.

From Lonnie: It’s finally sinking in that I’m still putting too much money into my mobiles. This increases my holding costs and chops my yield down.

From Ray: I honest to God think I really understand Derivative Cap Rates now… and I have a goal to pick up a small park within a year.

From Terry: Swapping markets stood out. I have an idea to apply that concept.

From Tony and Scott: Gonna redouble my efforts to find land / home packages in the MLS and work to find a lot for a small development project I’ve had in the back of my mind for a while. (The new book is excellent!!)

Please don’t think these are the only things I took away. These are just the pearls I got. Much more beyond that as well as the pleasure of putting faces with the names. At the risk of not naming many, I got to hang out with Tony, Scott, Karl, Steve from WA, Andrew and Tony from LV, Lin, Wes, and lots of others. What a great way to pump up your enthusiasm for the business. Nothing like talking about the business non-stop for 3 days! (Scott talks about it in his sleep from what I hear!).

Thanks to Terry and JP for creating this forum and these workshops, to Lonnie (and Joanne), Ray Alcorn, Terry again and Tony & Scott for taking the time to put together awesome presentations and materials when I’m sure their time could be spent more profitably doing deals. I can’t imagine trying to develop a business in times past when you were flying blind going by trial and effort.

Thanks and good investing to all until we can get together again!!


Re: Best Workshop I’ve been to!! - Posted by jimf

Posted by jimf on October 11, 2004 at 01:31:35:

OK, Terry…so when is the next one?

Re: Best Workshop I’ve been to!! - Posted by Ron F (OH)

Posted by Ron F (OH) on October 08, 2004 at 10:02:03:

Amen Brother!

In addition to the incredible amount of information shared, a HUGE benefit is the enthusiasm everyone brings.

It really pumps you up for doing more deals, different deals, and bigger deals!
I’m already looking forward to the next one.


P.S. The buyers must sense my renewed vigor as well since I’ve put 3 L/D’s under contract since I got back (well actually only 1 LD - 2 want to pay CASH!)

Re: Best Workshop I’ve been to!! - Posted by Gary(TX)

Posted by Gary(TX) on October 07, 2004 at 21:16:42:

You guys have said it all. This was a very good workshop.

One thing that I notice was this was like a family reunion. You could walk up to a group of people and you felt invited and welcome. Another thing that I notice was that everyone seem to have a good time and enjoyed all the speakers. It was good to see everyone laughing and having a good time.

Thanks everyone for a very enjoyable workshop.

Agreed . . . - Posted by Steve-WA

Posted by Steve-WA on October 07, 2004 at 20:58:32:

but I always thought that, for someone who has been around as long as he has, Lyal would look kinda like Gandalf . . .

I think the best part was finally putting a face on so many dear friends . . . and it’s cool being around like-minded people and swapping stories!

And you know, I kinda wonder about my market when Karl says all his buyers “have no teef!”

Hey Ron! - Posted by Lin (OR)

Posted by Lin (OR) on October 08, 2004 at 11:57:01:

Congrats! I haven’t been quite as busy as you on Lonnie deals - it took me two days just to get my laundry under control after being gone all weekend, but I did have a “renewed vigor” as you put it. When I finally put my ad in the paper, I got a deposit from the first person who looked. I was going to do a little fix-up, but she wanted it as is, and she would buy it for full-price if I could be flexible on the down ($500-$1000). It seems every new deal I do has some mind-blowing element.

Well, I’m off to look at a “Cash Flow Critter” I found searching late last night. I’ll load the kids in the car, put Shrek in the DVD player and we’re ready to make some money! My boys are 4, 6, and 12 - you can’t start this biz too early!

Take care. It was great to meet you!


Re: Best Workshop I’ve been to!! - Posted by JohnP

Posted by JohnP on October 10, 2004 at 05:33:58:

I have to agree. Great group of people.
