best way to invest this money - Posted by dave from nj

Posted by Ronald * Starr on October 06, 2001 at 19:33:40:

Dave from NJ-------------------

The way that you like the best.

Good InvestingRon Starr*

best way to invest this money - Posted by dave from nj

Posted by dave from nj on October 06, 2001 at 12:28:02:

Iam looking to get it to re what is the best way to invest $3000 thanks

Re: best way to invest this money - Posted by TC

Posted by TC on October 07, 2001 at 22:07:21:

You need to find what type of rei that you feel the most comfortable with and educate your self by way of this board.You may want to consider purchasing a course from this board also to educate yourself with.

It’s hard to say what would be the best way to spend your money without knowing what your goals are but you finding creonline is the best starting place that I know of.

Success to You my Friend!