Best way to add someone to deed in florida - Posted by cygnus

Posted by Bill H on February 19, 2006 at 12:18:28:

Go down to the courthouse to the tax commissioners office who handeles the homestead and ask them what they would require.

Good Luck,
Bill H

Best way to add someone to deed in florida - Posted by cygnus

Posted by cygnus on February 18, 2006 at 23:11:20:

My future mother-in-law wants to remove her deceased husband’s name from the deed on her homestead in florida. She also wants to add her daughters name to the deed at the same time. what would be the best way to accomplish this. I would appreciate any advise that you could give.

Re: Best way to add someone to deed in florida - Posted by John

Posted by John on February 19, 2006 at 18:17:02:

This can be done easily. But consult with a RE attorney it should not be a too expensive service.
I question the reason for doing this. If it is to avoid probate in the event of MIL’s death or incapation there are better ways to do than add the daughter on the title and have her face a large tax bill. Just a thought. Consult the RE attorney or an estate planer for some solid advise, because the results could be diasterous.