Best Street Address List Source... - Posted by Glen (IN)

Posted by jeff on October 06, 2002 at 16:28:25:

hmmmmmmmmm, now that yuo mention it, i used to have a site like that that i saved. i havent seen it for a while now, ill see if i can find it again. that was beofe my investing days, wonder if its still there?

just so you know, it does exist though.

Best Street Address List Source… - Posted by Glen (IN)

Posted by Glen (IN) on October 06, 2002 at 16:03:10:


I’m looking for an internet-based way to type in the name of a particular street in a given city and have a list generated with the names & addresses of the folks who live there. Any suggestions?


Re: Best Street Address List Source… - Posted by Andy L

Posted by Andy L on October 06, 2002 at 19:36:15: go to Address look up and then just type in the street name.


Re: Best Street Address List Source… - Posted by michaela-ATL

Posted by michaela-ATL on October 06, 2002 at 19:19:18:

try they let you search by name, address or ph#.

Re: Best Street Address List Source… - Posted by jeff

Posted by jeff on October 06, 2002 at 16:39:51:

FOUND IT! SWEEEEEEET. im glad you brought that up, i had forgotten all abuot it. ill be able to use this myself i beleive. heres the addy:

when that laod there will be several places to put in the number at the botom. the one i use is the top center one (infospace i beleive). youll need the phone number of smoeone on that street to find the listing on the map. might be able to do a specific addreess search, i never tried. once you find a number it has a listnig on the new page that says “find neighbors”. thats what yuor looking for. it lists names and adresses (probbly phone numbers, i didnt check).

this is the closest site to one that your looking for that ive found so far.