Best speakers at your REI meetings? - Posted by Alex

Posted by Kathi on September 21, 2005 at 17:30:54:

What Dons said. Can’t say enough good things about them.

I also like Mr. Landlord (Jeffrey Taylor) on landlording.

For pure entertainment and tons of money-making ideas try Mr. Cashflow (Nick Sidotti). He uses humor to keep you awake and get the point across. At one National Real Estate Investor’s Conference and Cruise he looked spiffy at the semi-formal dinner in tux jacket, tux shirt, bow tie, cufflinks, black shorts, and work boots. He speaks on landlording, and special needs housing. Ask him about Unkle Vito.

Wendy Patton, on rehabs.

Elmer Diaz, rehabs.

John Burley, multiple aspects of investing. Very professional.

There are many more, but these are the ones that percolate to the top of my head. It would be easier to tell you who NOT to touch with a ten foot pole.

Best speakers at your REI meetings? - Posted by Alex

Posted by Alex on September 19, 2005 at 13:59:05:

What are the best speakers/seminars that you had at your REI Clubs? Why? Any recommendations? Thanks

Re: Best speakers at your REI meetings? - Posted by KPC

Posted by KPC on September 20, 2005 at 14:46:56:

Local people who have something to offer would be a good choice. Title companies want your business so may provide a speaker for free, like a title expert from their staff. They usually have info that anyone can use and then a Q and A session where everyone can ask the title question that has been bugging them. Insurance agent, appraiser, home inspector? Who can benefit mutually by speaking to your group? For Free.

Re: Best speakers at your REI meetings? - Posted by Crazy Joe

Posted by Crazy Joe on September 19, 2005 at 18:45:59:

The first thing to know is NOT to look for the best speaker, but the best course. The best speaker is usually someone who has a well crafted, memorized pitch and travels the country full time. Many of them have never had any experience, but are just paid speakers. Look for experience. Much of the time that may be the less than exciting speaker that has great information to share. It’s a rare person like Danny Santucci that is a wonderful speaker and produces wonderful courses. More often, the slick, smooth speaker is a pitchman for an inferior course produced by people who have no experience or stolen from someone who does.

Re: Best speakers at your REI meetings? - Posted by Dons

Posted by Dons on September 19, 2005 at 19:29:34:

Don Beck on lanlording. He is at He’s very knowledgable, speaks well, and sells an excellent course that is quite affordable.

Vena Jones-Cox on various topics. Her specialty is wholesaling. One of the best teachers I have heard. email at

Last week we had Dr. Al Lowery… the man who started it all! I think his website is

Hope this helps.
