Best Information Broker/PI sites/companies? - Posted by TimNY

Posted by J. Clifton on July 10, 1999 at 21:42:05:


Divorce Records are not publicly available in NY.

Best Information Broker/PI sites/companies? - Posted by TimNY

Posted by TimNY on July 10, 1999 at 12:34:23:

This isn’t really a RE question, but it is related to some of the privacy issues some of the articles address. What are the best sites to find legal records such as: parties named in any lawsuits, civil judgements, marriage/divorce information, criminal records, and how to obtain files that any government agencies might have on you via the Freedom of Information Act? I’m not a wacko hiding from Black Helicopters or anything, just want to know what resources are out there to protect the law-abiding taxpayer from any wrongful persecution. Thanks.