- Posted by B Skel

Posted by B Skel on February 02, 2003 at 19:49:10:

Thanks for the reply. I just subscribed the other day, so I will give it a little time. Thanks again! - Posted by B Skel

Posted by B Skel on January 31, 2003 at 10:12:31:

Just wondering if anyone has used this site and if it is worth the $9/month.

For a month or two. - Posted by Sandy (NY)

Posted by Sandy (NY) on February 01, 2003 at 02:30:23:

A lot of the information on the site can be elsewhere for free but what this site does is package it one place. I would subscribe for a few months to get a sense of the recurring sites that come up and then you can search them on your own. Just don’t forget to cancel your membership like me :slight_smile:
