Posted by Ben on April 30, 2003 at 12:16:17:
I got a real kick out of reading your reply to my post. Thank you so much for your outstanding insights! I guess I know what I’m going to do with my car now…
Posted by Ben on April 30, 2003 at 12:16:17:
I got a real kick out of reading your reply to my post. Thank you so much for your outstanding insights! I guess I know what I’m going to do with my car now…
Bandit Sign Alternatives? - Posted by Ben
Posted by Ben on April 29, 2003 at 14:17:53:
I’ve seen a lot of posts in the archives that share both ‘pro’ and ‘con’ viewpoints regarding the usage of bandit signs. Some of the posts that I’ve read seemed downright angry when it came to sharing their views regarding the “evils” of posting bandit signs. Because of this, I have been led to want to make a very important inquiry of any “anti-bandit sign people” that may read my post: Could you please give me a good, high-powered alternative to posting bandit signs in order to find motivated sellers? Please note that I am asking this question with sincerity, and if you know of a great alternative that I can use, over and over again, instead of using bandit signs, I would welcome your suggestions. I realize that there are many ways to find motivated sellers… but some are definitely more effective than others!
Thank you!
Flyers should be $35 per thousand - Posted by js-Indianapolis
Posted by js-Indianapolis on April 29, 2003 at 23:41:20:
That’s a thousand people who will have your message IN THEIR HAND. Keep in mind you’ve only got about 2-3 seconds to “hook” them into reading more.
Try this… - Posted by JeffGinFL
Posted by JeffGinFL on April 29, 2003 at 22:53:43:
I tried something a little different after talking to a fellow investor in my area.
I have an ad in the Yard Sale/Garage Sale section of my local Pennysaver - It says “Get free street signs advertising your garage sale. We put them up! Call XXX-XXXX for details.” I had 30 signs made that say Garage Sale in big letters and I have arrows that adhere (velcro - what a wonderful invention) to those signs (so I can point any way necessary). When I get calls I go over to people’s homes and tell them I will post those signs advertising their sale (bring 1 to show them) if they will allow me to place my “We buy houses” brochure holder in their yard. The brochure holder is on a stake that I just drive into the ground.
If they agree, my neighbor’s son gets the info on the house and he places the signs on the day(s) of the sale for me. I pay him a couple of bucks to do this and it never takes him more than 1 hour to hit all the houses that have agreed. They get free advertising and I get exposure. I also get FIRST CRACK at the people having the garage sale, and I ALWAYS ASK “Are you just cleaning your house out? Just trying to make some extra money?” Guess how many people say, “Well actually, we’re getting ready to move out…” That’s when I start with the “Tell me more” speech. When do you need to move, how fast are you looking to leave, etc…
I’m finding that ALL types of people shop garage sales, ie people who are motivated (not sure why they are spending their money at a garage sale instead of trying to find a way to fix their debt problems) or people who KNOW someone who is getting into trouble (usually a sister or brother in law type deal).
I’ve been doing this for 6 months and have purchased 3 homes as a result. I made 16K on the first, have a L/O on the second which should result in approx 18K profit to me, and I just sold the third for 21K profit this week. I am still learning alot about this business so I am being choosy about what I take. There have been other properties but they were not right for me.
The investor who planted the seed for this idea in my head - she bought 12 houses last year at garage sales. I nearly fainted when she told me that.
Get creative with your marketing - you never know what will happen until you take action!
Re: Bandit Sign Alternatives? - Posted by Claude
Posted by Claude on April 29, 2003 at 19:24:30:
Have you thought about getting magnetic signs made to put on each side of your vehicle? I haven’t tried it yet, but they’re inexpensive and I hear they’re fairly effective.
Re: Bandit Sign Alternatives? - Posted by phil fernandez
Posted by phil fernandez on April 29, 2003 at 14:32:15:
The anti - Bandits can tell you anything they want to. However I am telling you that there is no other way other than Bandit Signs that is as effective or cost effective than our beloved Bandit Signs.
Simply put. They work. Post cards, cold calling, letters etc etc I’ve tried them all with small rates of success. Bandit Signs have far out preformed any other method of advertizing.
Don’t let the anti Bandits influence you. Sure they get mad, but so what. Not only laugh at them, laugh all the way to the bank with your profits from Bandit Sign advertizing.
Good luck.
Re: Flyers should be $35 per thousand - Posted by Ben
Posted by Ben on April 30, 2003 at 12:19:35:
Thanks for your insight regarding flyers! My only issue here, though, is that I really want to leverage my time and efforts for the highest return possible. I still feel like bandit signs will give me the best results in this regard… but I’m definitley not opposed to the idea of passing out flyers.
Re: Bandit Sign Alternatives? - Posted by Ben
Posted by Ben on April 29, 2003 at 20:55:11:
I think that I would need a respectable looking car before I would ever consider using magnetic signs! LOL If I were to use my car, I would lose all credibility fast! Thanks for the suggestion, though.
Re: Bandit Sign Alternatives? - Posted by Katerina TN
Posted by Katerina TN on April 29, 2003 at 20:48:07:
Quick question, Phil.
How many signs would you say you need to put out to start getting calls? I just moved to another state and was not sure how authorities would handle signs. Anyway, I put about 10 out last Friday and did not get any calls yet. I was just wondering, how many do I need to put out to expect some calls?
Re: Bandit Sign Alternatives? - Posted by Ben
Posted by Ben on April 29, 2003 at 15:14:12:
I’m with you all the way. I just wanted to see if an anti-bandit sign person could give me a heads up on a healthy alternative that I may have overlooked.
Kind regards,
Re: Flyers should be $35 per thousand - Posted by js-Indianapolis
Posted by js-Indianapolis on April 30, 2003 at 12:58:37:
Add another $50 to deliver them. Find a high school kid, or a guy already delivering flyers. 1000 people, messege in hand, and these things have “shelf life”. People will tack it up on the fridge, if they’re thinking they might need you in a few months. signs might last a few weeks, if you’re lucky. Not to mention they’re god awful, unattractive. Had to go there.
Not so fast! - Posted by Jim FL
Posted by Jim FL on April 30, 2003 at 01:06:03:
Not so fast on the “Ugly car” thing.
I have vehicle signs on EVERY vehicle I own, well, not my harley, but this includes a very old, junky, beater looking mini van I own.
That vehicle has a sign on the back window, with vinyl letters that says, “We Buy Houses…not cars! xxx-xxx-xxxx”
And magnetic signs on the sides, along with a sign on the top of the vehicle that lights up at night, with our message on all sides of it…like a pizza delivery vehicle, because it is a revamped pizza sign.
This thing is UGLY!
But guess what?
It gets calls.
People actually crane their necks to see the signs, especially at night, and I often catch people, because I have tinted windows, writing down the number as they drive.
It also is a GREAT place to stick a TON of refrigerator magnets, with a little vinyl letter note attached above them reading, “Take one”.
I keep the van loaded with these when I park it at stores shopping etc.
I usually get between 5-10 magnets taken every trip.
I’ll also tape flyers to the inside of the rear window, it is not tinted, for my houses for sale, and sometimes a pull-tab flyer to the sides, so people can collect my number and call about the houses.
I’ve used junky vehicles to advertise for a few years now.
My favorite was a retired plumbers panel van, which ran, had no air, but ran, was gray, and I painted in BIG WHITE letters, with a brush, my message.
That was an UGLY van, and it got calls, and deals.
I also use these vehicles to haul stuff, because getting them dirty is no big deal.
I also have a trailer that a friend owns, traveling around town, a small landscape trailer, painted in BRIGHT yellow, with my signs all over it.
He drives it all over, and once in a while we will park it places to get viewed, when I can get someone with a hitch to take it for me.
On my nicer vehicles, and those of friends, not new cars mind you, just clean and not dented or rusted, we have fairly nicely printed magnet signs.
There are about 6 sets of those around town for me now, they get calls, but not a lot.
So, my point here, if the vehicle moves, and is taken places where people will see it, make it a travelling billboard…the uglier the better, it catches the eye.
Good luck,
P.S. My next vehicle purchase is going to be an older used rental moving truck, so I can paint it BRIGHT YELLOW with my logo/message on ALL sides, front, back, and left/right.
I want to offer the use of this for T/B’ers when they move into one of my houses, for FREE, and keep it parked around town, as well as drive it here and there.
I hear you can get a used truck like this for less than $4k, that runs at least and passes inspections etc.
P.P.S. By the way, every one of the “Junky Vans or trucks” I’ve purchased for this purpose was bought for less than $1k, usually just a few hundred, and we still kept the total cost down, by painting things ourselves, or hiring local art students or shop students with paint experience. (in other words, as long as they run, insure them for liability, and they are as cheap as gas to keep advertising for you.)
Re: Bandit Sign Alternatives? - Posted by phil fernandez
Posted by phil fernandez on April 30, 2003 at 08:06:54:
As Kristy said, it’s hit or miss. I’ve put out 5 signs and gotten 3 calls, 2 of them producing deals. And other times I’ve put out 10 with maybe half staying up a week with no calls.
I’ve even gotten calls from a sign that someone saw last year, jotted the number down and called me when they were ready to sell.
So it’s not really a question of how many signs will generate x amount of calls. It’s more of getting your number out there so people can contact you. I usually put out about 10 at a time. I think if you plaster the town you become too obnoxious. Others may disagree.
In your new town I’d try 10 at a time and see how that goes. The signs are cheap enough so if they get taken down, not a big deal. Just put more up.
Re: Bandit Sign Alternatives? - Posted by Kristy-Az
Posted by Kristy-Az on April 29, 2003 at 23:28:29:
Hello Katerina,
I’m not Phil, however, guestimating how many signs to put out is kind of like a “crap shoot”. I don’t mean this negatively…
I once put out 6 signs and had 3 calls the next day. This past weekend I put out 10 signs Friday night and on Saturday morning we saw the City taking them down. (I didn’t think they worked on the weekends, I was wrong) So, I got only one call.
I talked with another investor in another state that had just put out 41 signs on Friday night. On Monday morning he told me he didn’t get any calls.
It’s hit & miss. Keep trying, the signs are cheap enough, it’s just time consuming to put them out. I’m going to put more out in the middle of the week to see what happens. Then next weekend I will wait till Saturday night to put more out. Hopefully the City doesn’t work on Sundays!
Best of luck…
Healthy Alternatives - Posted by Chris Conden
Posted by Chris Conden on April 29, 2003 at 21:10:13:
I can’t find the link so I’m going to post the message itself. This was originally posted by Dee in Texas. I really admire this woman for her sense of ethics. She doesn’t use illegal signage. She was smart enough to figure a way to get the same results legally and ethically. I don’t care how profitable bandit signs are - they’re (usually) illegal, extremely trashy and they make us all look bad.
Here is Dee’s post… Thank-you Dee
I have about 8 out at all times. I put them in the front yards of all of the houses that I’m buying or selling PLUS I will barter or pay others to use their front yards or property. I look for people that have property around little league fields, schools, wal-mart, any main road into town.
ANYONE seeing your signs might not be motivated at this time, it doesn’t matter if it’s in your farm area…what does matter is getting your name, number and what you can do in FRONT OF THE PEOPLE AT ALL TIMES. People talk and tell others. That’s what you want.
OHH and another way to get your name out is this:
Sponsor a little league team, or pay for your advertisment on the back stop, OR out field fence OR anything that kids are involved in. Kids equal parents that sit night after night seeing your ads.
Ohhh and btw, I just bought a house for $28,000 that has a FMV of $56K, needs $1,500.00 in fix-up from a $5.00 Bandit sign, You do the math.
Re: Flyers should be $35 per thousand - Posted by Ben
Posted by Ben on April 30, 2003 at 13:28:55:
That’s really a very good idea! Thanks for the suggestion. That would be a great way to leverage both your time and your money.
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