AUGUST BOOT CAMP !!! - Posted by Tony Colella

Posted by Tony Colella on June 10, 2008 at 06:50:55:

I will forward your number to Lisa so she can contact you and get you registered.

See you there!


AUGUST BOOT CAMP !!! - Posted by Tony Colella

Posted by Tony Colella on June 09, 2008 at 06:17:46:

Just a reminder that the early registration discount will expire July 1, 2008. Don’t wait to register. These events do sell out since we keep the groups small.

This boot camp will teach you everything from Lonnie deals to Land/Home properties, to investing in Small Mobile Home Parks. No prior investing experience is necessary although we do recommend that you have at least read Lonnie Scruggsâ?? book, â??Deals On Wheels.â?? Investors of all levels will be in attendance for you to meet, learn from and to network with.

Lonnie will be teaching and rubbing elbows with all who attend as will Scott, myself (Tony), attorney/investor Bruce Berger and many more.

The Boot Camp will be held at the Biltmore DoubleTree in Asheville, North Carolina on Friday, August 8 through Sunday August 10th, 2008.

We call this a â??boot campâ?? for a reason. We start with a bus/walking tour of several of our small mobile home parks. We walk the parks and tell you everything about them and I do mean everything. We will tell you what we paid, how we financed, what we did right, what we did wrong, what we repair and why and much, much more. Bring good walking shoes. This is a beautiful walk through several small mobile home parks in the mountains. The days will start early and run till 9 or 10pm (and many will decide to stay up even later chatting and networking until the wee hours of the morning) so rest up now!

The cost of the boot camp is $699 per person for our early bird special and it goes up after that time. Lisa will have several hotel and restaurant suggestions for you to consider. We are offering a discount price of $399 for spouses who attend. We have learned that in many cases one spouse finds the interest in mobile home investing but has difficulty explaining all the ins and outs of mobile home investing to their spouse. To be successful in both family and investing we believe that both spouses need to understand this investment well.

We typically sell out before the early bird special expires. Please remember that we keep these groups small so that you can get to know everyone and feel comfortable stopping us during our speech to make sure you understand what is being said and how it may apply in your market.

Take a look at the posts in the archives by the many great folks here that have attended in the past and continue to attend time and time again. Come meet them and us in person.

To save your spot in this limited seating event, please email Lisa at Please email her your name and phone number and the best times to contact you (EST).

See you there!

Tony Colella

Re: AUGUST BOOT CAMP !!! - Posted by Chuck Kastor

Posted by Chuck Kastor on June 09, 2008 at 18:39:36:

Please call me @ 3304165321.I want to reserve a space in the bootcamp.

ALUMNI WORKSHOP !!! - Posted by Tony Colella

Posted by Tony Colella on June 09, 2008 at 06:18:52:

This year we will be adding a special event for our Small Park Boot Camp Alumni.

We will be holding an all day event on Friday, August 8th at the Biltmore DoubleTree. The event will focus on legal issues and handling the day to day operations of mobile home investing as well as how to take your portfolio to the next level with bigger and bigger deals. There will be several speakers presenting different topics.

The event will only cost $200 per alumni and we welcome all those attending this event to join the rest of the boot camp folks on Friday and Saturday nights (and don’t forget Lin’s cookout on Sunday)!

Each year so many of you return and we wanted to make an effort to thank you for all the networking and help you provide new investors. We hope that this event may help you to climb to the next level and enjoy one heck of a great weekend.

To save your spot in this limited seating event, please email Lisa at Please email her and let her know you are an alumni interested in the Friday event. Include your name and phone number and the best times to contact you (EST).

See you there!
