Att Seasoned Lease Optioners:Which Course?? - Posted by Tjent

Posted by Stacy (AZ) on July 24, 2002 at 12:52:34:


Att Seasoned Lease Optioners:Which Course?? - Posted by Tjent

Posted by Tjent on July 24, 2002 at 01:46:56:

Is anyone familiar with lease option course by Jeff Beubien? (Saw it on the Gatten site.) His course is, on average, less than half the price of the others available. It lacks audio cassets and and video presentation, but I view these things as fluff anyway - I want a good written course with the best and most complete compilation of forms.

Besides the Beubien course I’m leaning towards Bronchick because I’ve been pleased with his Land Trust one, and because he’s a lawyer who can address the tricky legal issues Lease-Option deals are prone to.

Any guidance is appreciated.


You’ve Got One… - Posted by ScottS

Posted by ScottS on July 24, 2002 at 10:30:01:

Bronchick course and you are asking if you should get another? That’s a dead givaway.

Get Bronchick for the basics and then get Joe Kaisers for the niches in where to find the good deals.

From what I’ve seen, get any of the new ones that have come out recently and you’ll be getting Bronchicks anways. Go with the attorney and with the experience.


Re: Att Seasoned Lease Optioners:Which Course?? - Posted by Todd Konkel

Posted by Todd Konkel on July 24, 2002 at 07:42:23:

Get Matt Bowmans course. I have the two that you mentioned and Matt’s. His is by far the best. The way that Beubien tries to structure the deal is crazy in my opinion.