Assignment Form - Posted by Bill Hubbell

Posted by Bill Hubbell on March 08, 2003 at 10:53:15:

I appreciate your help. You are correct, I owe you big time. What will it cost me?

Assignment Form - Posted by Bill Hubbell

Posted by Bill Hubbell on March 08, 2003 at 10:19:32:

Does anyone have a form to use for the assignment of a right of redemption on a foreclosed property? The property sold last week at a court house auction in Alabama. The previous owner will give me the right of redemption. I need to use the proper document and don’t have one. Thanks!

Re: Assignment Form - Posted by John Merchant

Posted by John Merchant on March 08, 2003 at 10:44:37:

I’d advise your first checking to see exactly what he’s got, and reading it carefully, along with AL statute to see IF it’s legally assignable.

Do you know if it is?

If so, the language required by such an assigment may be on his “redemption cert” or whatever doc he has; if it’s not there (thr right language, that is), any simple assignment form (signed and notary acknowledged of course, in EXACT name as his deed to him) should do it.

Here’s the basic language for a simple assignment:

I, Al Abbott, for legal consideration received, do hereby assign and convey to Bob Babbott, all my right, title and interest in and to: 1313 13th St., Duckville, NY, 13131, being legally described as: Lot 13, in the S.E.1/13th of S.1/13th of Section 13, in Range 13, in Township 13, Duck County, NY.

Signed and Dated:
April 1, 2003
Al Abbott

Notary’s Acknowledgement

Wow, lookee there…I’ve saved you BIG bucks in attorneys fees. You owe me, big time!