Asbestos in house - Posted by byron

Posted by River City on May 11, 2005 at 06:23:56:

Did you get a home inspection prior to purchasing the home? If so, did the home inspector list it on his report? If it is not listed on the inspection report, call and ask why. If you did not obtain a home inspection, this is a lesson learned.

You could call a realtor in your area and ask them if sellers are required to disclose a boiler wrapped in asbestos. I would think so since asbestos is a dangerous “material” to be around. You could also contact a home inspection company.

Good luck.

Asbestos in house - Posted by byron

Posted by byron on May 03, 2005 at 17:25:47:

In the state of VA, is the seller obligated by law to disclose that asbestos is contained in the house? We bought a house with a boiler in the basement…the boiler has asbestos wrapped around it. After closing the seller admitted the wrap contained asbestos. There was nothing in the disclosure documents to indicate asbestos. Do we have any legal recourse?