Are There A Lot Of People Out There Like This? - Posted by Chuck-NY

Posted by WestTX on January 10, 2006 at 12:37:08:

It’s plain and simple. Stay at home dads have issues. They’re either lazy, or they’re bums.

“Doc Comes Thry Again?” Psychologist? Psychologists are soul snatchers.

Kevin: Get off of your punk ass and get a job.


Are There A Lot Of People Out There Like This? - Posted by Chuck-NY

Posted by Chuck-NY on March 02, 2003 at 07:43:58:

I have several cases of boyfriend-girlfriend living together with several kids from 2-3 different marriages.
The woman works more that one job and the man does nothing to contribute financially.

Just wondering how many of you have run across this in your MH business.

Re: Are There A Lot Of People Out There Like This? - Posted by JHyre in Ohio

Posted by JHyre in Ohio on March 02, 2003 at 09:40:58:

The parks that were my bread and butter for the last 3 years are full of this type of person. The relationships never last and the turnover is very high. I feel bad for the kids. Being brought up by multiple LOSERS is a huge disadvantage. The kids start out normal and pick up the bad habits over time. It’s very sad.

John Hyre

Too many… - Posted by Philip

Posted by Philip on March 02, 2003 at 08:32:01:

A lot of these types that I have encountered the man says, “I’m disabled”.
One of the parks I am dealing with won’t let people in unless they are married, but they are finding out how hard that is to do, nowdays.
Why the “stay home deadbeat dads”? I have no idea.
I had a health issue that kept me from working for a while and ever since then I have APPRECIATED work more than ever!
God did not intend for men to set idle…too much…except to fish, hunt, watch basketball and football, nap, wrestle with his kids, spank his little kids, mow his grass, kick his dog(KIDDING),
and a few other hundred reasons for "selective idleness!

I was a “Dead Beat Dad!” - Posted by Doug (Alabama)

Posted by Doug (Alabama) on March 02, 2003 at 14:21:51:

I have worked full time since I was 11 when I started delivering papers. However, I took one year off between jobs to care for the kids. Getting them up, fixing breakfast, getting off to school, clean house, off for a game of golf, home to fix snacks and start supper. One year was all I could stand and I started my own business the second year but I was a Mr Mom for that year. Hope everyone gets a chance to see how Mom contributes some time.
I think the ones talked about here are home a bit more on a continual basis and don’t contribute much there either. They are dead beats but try not to generalize to much, it could be me you are talking about.
That is my two cents.

Hey just a minute. - Posted by Dr. Craig Whisler CA

Posted by Dr. Craig Whisler CA on March 02, 2003 at 10:34:54:

If mom works and dad stays home and cares for the children and home, why is it that he is a dead-beat dad, yet if the man works and the woman stays home and cares for the kids and home she is not called a dead-beat mom?

I thought that caring for the children and home was a full time job and worthy of just as much respect as any other job.

True, some stay-at-home dads are lazy dead-beat slobs. but then so are some stay-at-home moms.

Perhaps it would be helpful not to make so many sweeping generalizations.

Rgards, doc

Re: I was a “Dead Beat Dad!” - Posted by JHyre in Ohio

Posted by JHyre in Ohio on March 02, 2003 at 15:18:54:

The dad’s I’m speaking of contribute nothing. They drink, if they are around at all, and often knock the women up and around. These people are less than zero. Do business in a lower income area and you will quickly recognize the type. Words cannot express my contempt for such human vermin.

John Hyre

Doc Comes Thru Again… - Posted by Kevin in OK

Posted by Kevin in OK on March 02, 2003 at 11:26:09:

Good comments Doc. My wife, a Veterinarian has an aquaintance, a Pediatrician who shares a clinic with 2 other pediatricians.

Because they each earn substantial incomes in this highly successful practice, the 3 Pediatrician’s spouses are able to remain home and care for their young families.

I know of no one locally who is critical of them…despite each of the Pediatricians being female and having stay-at-home husbands!

Kevin in OK

Doug, I was close to the same for a year - Posted by Philip

Posted by Philip on March 02, 2003 at 18:34:35:

And I understand what moms do. But the men I run into are lazy, whether their wife is home, working or whatever. They are not taking care of kids, they are just “chillin”.
There are a few good ones, though.