Archives a little sketchy on this topic - Posted by Philip

Posted by Philip on April 21, 2004 at 19:34:29:

My folks said they made that mistake once.
Won’t ever do it again.

Archives a little sketchy on this topic - Posted by Philip

Posted by Philip on April 20, 2004 at 19:44:05:

I know it rarely works out to have a handyman do work once he is in a home.

But I also HAVE heard of Lonnie having success, if they do the work before moving into the home.

I am trying to find more information about advertising to the “handyman special” crowd.

I have tried one ad, wih mixed results.
The park handyman is drunk too much.

Any advice on what this group of buyers want to see in an ad?

I think the free ad paper will do best.


Archives a little sketchy on this topic - Posted by Joe C. (AR)

Posted by Joe C. (AR) on April 21, 2004 at 17:09:14:

Handyman’s special is ok if you’re selling to them “as is”. It’s just a problem when you’re renting and giving them rent credit to do the work.
Joe C. (AR)