Anyone Use Detective Software? - Posted by Frank, DFW

Posted by bill on October 10, 2002 at 19:45:51:

i bought the REO Detective. it is complete junk.
it will list a few hud homes and foreclosures.
not too many. anyway i looked up about 10 addresses
they had listed for my area and went and drove by all
of them. guess what every one of them was already sold
and either rented by another investor or in the process of being fixed up. what little info they had
was very dated. also i wouldn’t recomend buying
foreclosure list either for they too are a waste of
money and time.

Anyone Use Detective Software? - Posted by Frank, DFW

Posted by Frank, DFW on October 10, 2002 at 18:22:50:

I like to know if anyone out there uses the detective software being advertized on the net to find owners of abandoned properties that they need to buy. I see all the claims made by the promoters of these softwares and their utilities and varacities. But I am not sure if there are other hidden fees to use the programs beyond the initial purchase price of this software. Could anyone with a first hand experience with any of the net detective software and how they actually work please post your experience?. Thanks

Re: Anyone Use Detective Software? - Posted by Jman

Posted by Jman on October 10, 2002 at 19:11:48:

They are all rip offs.Everyone of them is worthless.The only info they give you is phone numbers of Private investigators who will charge you crazy fees for the info that they get on their secret database(If you search hard enough you will find the same ones they use online).NetDetective is notorious for making false claims.Hope this helps.Dont waste your $$.