Anyone get "threats" from signs - Posted by Ralf

Posted by IB (NJ) on June 10, 2005 at 17:03:07:

I’m sorry you were forced to read these silly posts and waste your time. In fact, I’m sorry I read your post and wasted mine.


Anyone get “threats” from signs - Posted by Ralf

Posted by Ralf on June 07, 2005 at 23:51:42:

Here’s a funny story…

I was just driving around my farm areas as I like to do sometimes to get my mind off things. When all of a sudden theres a call on my cell from a “blocked ID”. Now, I don’t ever answer the calls when it’s a blocked number because, as happened just now, it’s usually someone who wants to conceal their identity for less than noble reasons. Keep in mind that this happened a about half an hour ago, at about 12AM(no person I know would call me at that time). So I then dial my voicemail, only to be greeted by some of the most pregnant poetry you can imagine. I will not waste my time in relaying this filth verbatim, since I’m not one to take much interest in the primordial grunts from the lower echelons of the evolutionary scale, but here’s a brief rundown of it:

An ethnocentric cartoonish voice starts in with very heavy refferences to sodomy and other filth I care not to mention.

Someone finally starts talking, I get greeted with a “Warning” which basically says “yo, mah N****, you best stop puttin yo signs in mah hood”, continued by more profanity and and the racial epiphets that are all the rage in da hood, yo!

Then more homies jump in on the convo, they start openly devising a master plan to bait me into meeting one of them who would pretend to have a house for sale, afterwhich I presume I would get whats coming to me for suggesting that said homey has an “ugly house”.

Now, what these savage bums dont know is that, were it not for NJ’s draconian gun laws which are specifically put in place so that animals like these prey on innocent people without fear of vigilante JUSTICE, I might just take them up on their offer to see their house, and GLADLY take up mother natures work in parasite cleansing. My signs will continue to go up in da hood, and being someone who doesn’t suffer zoo animals patiently, don’t be surprised if you read the headlines that mention how a few homies got what they deserved from a very distraught investor.


Re: Many times - Posted by Dan-fl

Posted by Dan-fl on June 08, 2005 at 20:32:17:

From signs,paper ads and the worst, direct mailouts. Some people get mad about the problem they got there self into and want to take it out on the big bad investor.

Save the recording for CCW? (or am I dreaming?) - Posted by Drew

Posted by Drew on June 08, 2005 at 12:13:31:

As I understand it, you can get a CCW permit in NJ if you can demonstrate an “urgent necessity for carrying […] for protection.” In reality, you may have to be retired law enforcement (or another member of the privileged elite), but you would know better than I…just thought I would point out that you apparently have a good recording supporting your claim.


Re: Anyone get “threats” from signs - Posted by Darren

Posted by Darren on June 08, 2005 at 10:19:25:

This yahoo feels threatened by people outside of the neighborhood trying to make a buck off of the residents. He won’t do anything to better the area and make some money in the process, but he doesn’t want you to either.

Just remember that most people talk all big on the phone or the Internet or driving along an Interstate but don’t back it up when it’s go time. That said, plan accordingly as you make appointments because some of the crazies have no conscience regarding unwarranted physical violence.

Re: Anyone get “threats” from signs - Posted by Jack

Posted by Jack on June 08, 2005 at 09:22:50:

I have been threated a dozen times by posters on this board.

Re: Anyone get “threats” from signs - Posted by Jeff M

Posted by Jeff M on June 08, 2005 at 09:13:08:

“I will not waste my time in relaying this filth verbatim, since I’m not one to take much interest in the primordial grunts from the lower echelons of the evolutionary scale…”

Shakespeare himself couldn’t have described these gentlemen any better. I don’t have any words of wisdom to offer you at the moment, but for what it is worth, you have entertained me with a very well-written depiction. Your English teacher would be proud.

Re: You might want to consider - Posted by Ed Copp (OH)

Posted by Ed Copp (OH) on June 08, 2005 at 07:52:45:

moving to a civilized neighborhood. Sounds like you are attempting to invest in a sewer, and hope your investment does not turn to shirt. Find a neighborhood where the folks living there can construct a whole sentance without using a hyphenated word beginning with “mother” (correctly pronounced “mo”).

You might want to buy some nice looking houses as opposed to ugly ones.

Re: You might want to consider - Posted by IB (NJ)

Posted by IB (NJ) on June 08, 2005 at 09:03:12:

When investing in inner cities, it often matters not if some of the people can’t construct “whole” sentences. What matters is if the area is improving and the market values of the properties are increasing as a result.

Many ‘hoods’ in NJ are experiencing an economic revitalization (and often a boom) so I certainly wouldn’t let some alleged residents of the neighborhood (assuming that’s who they were - they could have very well been his competition trying to scare him from the neighborhood), who really have nothing to do with his business, scare him from earning a living.

Every now and then I get a call from “whole-sentence” speaking folks who warn me about putting signs up in their surburban and/or working class neighborhood. But what does that have to do with my investment strategy?

Re: You might want to consider - Posted by Ronnie

Posted by Ronnie on June 08, 2005 at 07:57:57:

Good advice and it made me laugh.

Re: Improving and revitalization - Posted by Ed Copp (OH)

Posted by Ed Copp (OH) on June 09, 2005 at 08:14:51:

are not signs of the sewer that I speak of. This would be more like an organic market garden. It is very important to be able to tell the difference between a growing and propserous area, and a pile of uncomposted shirt.

Re: Improving and revitalization - Posted by IB (NJ)

Posted by IB (NJ) on June 09, 2005 at 10:00:19:

Well you didn’t “tell the difference” in your response to Ralf which prompted my comments. Instead you stated the following:

“Sounds like you are attempting to invest in a sewer, and hope your investment does not turn to shirt. Find a neighborhood where the folks living there can construct a whole sentance without using a hyphenated word beginning with “mother” (correctly pronounced “mo”).”

You felt that simply because some ALLEGED resident (again, they could have been Ralf’s competition playing tricks on him) of the neighborhood left an insulting message on his voice mail that the area was a sewer where he shouldn’t invest. You were wrong. The clowns who left the message have NOTHING to do with the area and whether or not it’s improving and being revitalized.

BTW, many of the folks living in the inner city can at least spell ‘sentence’ correctly.

“growing and prosperous” LOL - Posted by Ralf

Posted by Ralf on June 09, 2005 at 09:20:36:

I wonder what that means… maybe it means that we(taxpayers) are footing the bill on more housing projects to shelter the 30 year old grandmothers and aspiring rappers and basketball players who ALWAYS turn out to be “good kids” when their self destructive lifestyle leaves them with some lead in their thick skulls. There is no such thing as a “bad area” unless you happen to live atop an active volcano. To any intelligent person it’s obvious that it’s the inhabitants of any area that make it what it is. These areas that are pegged as “growing” will only turn into the same ghetto paradise once again because it’s too taboo to get to the heart of the problem. I’ll try and be as indirect as I can and leave it at that… certain “people”, as ordained by NATURE, are incapable of an advanced civilization devoid of savagery as a normal way of life. Thats a fact of nature that will remain whether media-adulterated whining liberal morons choose to except it or not. The only thingt hat will “grow and prosper” is the number of rapes, murders, muggings, gang activities, etc.

You wanna get a real kick out of how disgustingly PeeCee the people in NJ are? Get a load of this, a billboard which has sprung up all over the place in the past year or so:

Who woulda thought! The real culprits of NJ’s filthy gang problem are mall dwelling pretty White girls. Boy do I feel stupid…


Look out for Homeboy - Posted by Skip

Posted by Skip on June 09, 2005 at 18:29:30:

You object to being called a racist, but your statements are the definition of racism (believing that some races are superior to others).

You’ve posted before about great empires and advanced civilizations, but how do you contribute to these civilizations? Do have special skills? Are you an architect? A scientist? No, you’re an unemployed telemarketer and poster of hate material. You don’t deserve a superior attitude.

Get-a-grip - Posted by Nike

Posted by Nike on June 09, 2005 at 09:54:24:

Spread your garbage somewhere else–you sound demented.

Re: “growing and prosperous” LOL - Posted by IB (NJ)

Posted by IB (NJ) on June 09, 2005 at 09:53:03:

"These areas that are pegged as “growing” will only turn into the same ghetto paradise once again because it’s too taboo to get to the heart of the problem. I’ll try and be as indirect as I can and leave it at that… certain “people”, as ordained by NATURE, are incapable of an advanced civilization devoid of savagery as a normal way of life. "

Ralf, your comments smack of an ignorant and racist attitude that plagues many people, primarily whites, who haven’t lived in inner cities. I for one grew up in an inner city. Many of the RE investors on this board have family members who are still there. We are working with our families and former neighbors to make sure that it’s not just the properties that get revitalized but the people as well. To state that the folks who live in inner cities are “nautrally savages” makes you just as mentally primitive as the people calling your signs with insults. That’s like saying that subruban white kids are naturally drug addicts because so many of them are getting hooked on heroin.

So I guess you’re in it just for the money. Well that WILL ensure that your farm area becomes a ‘ghetto paradise’ once again. Why not get to the heart of the problem yourself and help if you feel so strongly about it?

BTW, I checked out the website you referenced and I couldn’t find anything that stated that mall dwelling pretty white girls are why gangs exists. What I did find was this excerpt from the website on why kids join gangs:

What causes some teens to join gangs? Among the most common reasons are:
· to belong to a group;
· receive protection;
· earn money;
· end boredom and seek more excitement;
· be with friends and be more popular.
· For some it is even a family tradition.

So what in god’s name are you talking about???

Re: “growing and prosperous” LOL - Posted by Ralf

Posted by Ralf on June 09, 2005 at 10:22:19:

Here we go…

First off, I’m not White, so your “ace” and that of the other moron here who insulted me is gone. I guess I was supposed to cringe and cower in fear now that you brought out the dreaded “racist” word. I’ve lived in “inner cities” (a nice word for outright SLUM) all my life, so I think I’m in a position to comment on the situation as I see it. Have you ever read the report “the color of crime”? I’d take a look into it if I were you. If you don’t immediately dismiss it as “racist propaganda” concocted by White hillbillies then you might understand why theres ample reason to not want certain kinds of people in safe clean areas. I also got a kick out of your suburban white heroin analogy. Let me tell you, I’ve been to what would be considered “poor White trash” neighborhoods, the lowest of the lowest on the income scale, and even being a dark skinned hispanic, NEVER have I ever felt the need to watch where I’m going or run to my car because I was being followed with the intention of being mugged or killed. Can I say the same thing about Paterson or Newark? Hehehehe… see how that works? As for me being in this for money… yes I am in this for money, just like you and anyone else on this website is. But I don’t seek money to fatten my pockets for the sake of appealing to greed or an ego, I want to change the world for the better. I don’t owe you any more of an explanation. As for the billboard… I can see you still dont “Get it”, and probably never will. You know why? Because it wasn’t meant to instill anything in YOU. No, it was meant for those heroin addict “racist” Whites who roll up their windows and lock their doors when they drive through crime infested jungles. I’m done in this thread… continue to insult me however you see fit.


Re: “growing and prosperous” LOL - Posted by IB (NJ)

Posted by IB (NJ) on June 09, 2005 at 10:41:47:

I don’t have to insult you. You insult yourself Ralf whenever you use your keyboard to open your mouth. Your claim to be a dark-skinned hispanic from the inner city is STILL no excuse for your ignorant and racist remarks regarding people in the inner city. Branding them as “natural savages” who live in crime infested jungles makes you ignorant and a racist regardless of what you claim as your ethnicity and race.

You and I seem to have something in common. We’re both from the inner city. But that’s where our similiarities end. Although I no longer live there, I never left the inner city as my heart still pumps for the children of the hood who cry out for positive role models who don’t rap and play basketball. So I work for a non-profit org. (I’m actually the Treasurer) who works to improve the quality of life for inner city residents looking for a positive change. You on the other hand are a reason why the inner city is still considered (by some) a “slum”. You don’t help, you hinder. You don’t cooperate with others to change the situation, you critize with an aire of arrogance and ignorance that makes you no better, morally, than the clowns standing on street corners helping the bring the area and it’s people down. You Ralf are not interested in the solution, only the problem and how it affects your wallet.

This is what is reflected in your previous posts and are the reasons why I don’t have to waste time insulting you when you consistently beat me to it.

Re: “growing and prosperous” LOL - Posted by Armando

Posted by Armando on June 10, 2005 at 16:09:49:

Two Things:

(1) Take both of your discussions to another website, this is for real estate not racism.
(2) Sign your posts.
