Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by Joe(NY)

Posted by Rob on May 03, 2001 at 20:49:06:


I am sorry. I mean that is what T. Hicks always say at the end of the chapter. Subscribe to my etc…


Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by Joe(NY)

Posted by Joe(NY) on May 01, 2001 at 09:20:45:

If so, what do you think of the information in his books?

Re: Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by Susan Hildebrand

Posted by Susan Hildebrand on September 08, 2005 at 18:57:18:

My husband and I have just read his 199 Great HOme Businesses You Can Start (and succeed in) for Under $1,000. He does sell his own products, but I think there is a lot of good info in the book and you can do most of it without buying anything else from him. Has anyone tried any of his suggestions for home businesses? If so, how did you do?

Re: Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by Ruben Chavez

Posted by Ruben Chavez on September 26, 2004 at 17:02:22:

Iam a local student and trying to get into real estate. I just bought the book How to make Millions in Real Estate in Three years by Tyler G. Hicks. I was interested in the fact that some people say that his books are garbage. I have not read any of his books, but i am curious to hear why is books are no good.

Ruben C

Absolute Garbage… - Posted by HR

Posted by HR on May 01, 2001 at 21:17:11:

Avoid Hicks and Cooke like the plague. Here are two great books to get you started: The 5 Magic Paths to Making a fortune in RE by Lumley ($15); Real Estate Investing by McLean and Eldred ($15).

Good luck,


Re: Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by David Krulac

Posted by David Krulac on May 01, 2001 at 20:54:11:


Re: Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by Ronald * Starr

Posted by Ronald * Starr on May 01, 2001 at 19:09:17:


Tyle Hicks is the only name I mention publicly to AVOID. Not good material. He says go to a million dollars in two year or three years. What he tells you in the book is to buy a million dollars worth of real estate, with great big loans on everything. VERY MISLEADING title for a book. That is not going to a million. Don’t trust him.

If you want my four-page list of recommended real estate books, e-mail me.

Good Reading & Good Investing***Ron Starr

Re: Absolute Garbage… - Posted by Joe(NY)

Posted by Joe(NY) on May 02, 2001 at 08:44:25:

Thanks for the advice. I was going to subscribe to his newsletter for 2 Years at $48! I’m glad I decided to ask about him first.

Thanks for the book suggestions. I’ll add them to my wish list at

Re: Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by Jim (MD)

Posted by Jim (MD) on June 20, 2001 at 23:20:06:

I’d like a copy of your list as well.

What I’m particularly interested in is clear reasoning why leveraging financing to acquire control of profit-flow property is wrong?

I haven’t finished reading Hicks or Lumley’s books yet, but I have to ask what the problem with leveraging loans creates.

(I know this is probably a rhetorical question, and I’ve personally been against overextending credit for years. But reading Hicks book suggests that there is a market for credit-based leveraging of property. Based on the strategies I’ve gleened so far, the worst that can happen is you lose the property to pay back the loans if your plans fall apart, and his overriding message is to always ensure the value of property is greater than the value of financing, so you don’t risk complete collapse of your investment, only specific projects.)

So… what do you think, and why?

Re: Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by Opunui

Posted by Opunui on May 16, 2001 at 09:33:45:

I too would like your recomendation of what REI books to read. Someday I hope to be as active and confident in RE as yourself.

Re: Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by Joe(NY)

Posted by Joe(NY) on May 02, 2001 at 08:38:06:

Thanks, I’d love to see your list of recommended books.

I’ve been buying books from and the one I’m currently reading is the “How to make Millions in Real Estate in 3 Years starting with No Cash” third edition. I’m taking everything I read with a grain of salt. So far he is painting pictures in very broad strokes. Nothing specific.

Anyway, thanks for the advice. I guess I’ll finish reading the book, but perhaps I won’t subscribe to his newsletter like I was planning.

Re: Absolute Garbage… - Posted by Bob (Md)

Posted by Bob (Md) on May 03, 2001 at 16:42:48:

…or you could just drop into any Border, Barnes & Nobles, and buy them off the shelf instead of waiting. Or get them from Both are highly recommended.

Re: Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by Ronald * Starr

Posted by Ronald * Starr on June 21, 2001 at 15:11:59:

Jim (MD)---------

I’d just ditch the Hicks book.

There is nothing wrong with leveraging properties if you expect appreciation, not depreciation. Even if there is depreciation, if you are willing to sit through the downturn until the properties go back up again in value, you should be ok.

I did this with a couple of rental houses in Sacramento. Acquired them with existing loans in 1988 for appreciation and tax benefits, about break-even cash flow. Appreciation happened until about 1993. Then depreciation. I don’t know how low in value the properties went. Possibly below the loan amounts. I didn’t bother to comp them out. I just kept them rented and made my mortgage payments and other expenses. Since about 1998, property values have gone up greatly. Rents are up too. The properties are worth more than I paid for them by a bunch–probably at least #20K each.

Well, if you can’t afford the expenses because of extreme leverage and low rents. You might want to avoid that situation, especially if the property will not appreciate significantly during the next few years.

My four-page annotated list of recommended real estate investing books is only on paper. I sell it for $2. You can order at: P. O. Box 27218, Oakland, CA 94602. A SASE will insure the fastest response.

There are an awfully lot of mediocre and worse books on real estate investing. I read over a hundred books to come up with my list. You can start off with the best books, then, if you want to take the time, you can read some of the other books.

Good Investing and Good Reading**********Ron Starr********

Re: Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by dave stammler

Posted by dave stammler on November 25, 2001 at 14:43:56:

Is Tyler G. Hicks for real or not?

Re: Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by Rob

Posted by Rob on May 02, 2001 at 14:24:01:

I read the book. It is quite a simple book. I just don’t like the way he is trying to hit everyone on the backend.

If you want more info., subscribe to me.


Re: Absolute Garbage… - Posted by Jim (MD)

Posted by Jim (MD) on June 20, 2001 at 23:10:47:

Just from curiousity, what is it that makes the Hicks book garbage?

From a cursory thumb-through, the statistics and plans appear sound.

I’ve also been scanning the 5 Magic Paths book, and on the surface, I don’t see too much difference between the concepts in Hicks vs. Lumley’s books, with the one exception that Hicks is constantly selling his newsletter.

Can you give me more empirical data to tell me why Hicks is not as helpful as Lumley in the long run?

Re: Anybody hear of Tyler G. Hicks?? - Posted by Joe(NY)

Posted by Joe(NY) on May 02, 2001 at 20:56:50:

Do you have more information? By the way, what do you mean by subscribe to me?