Any help appreciated - Posted by harryb

Posted by harryb on February 04, 2003 at 19:07:12:

Thanks for sharing your experience and for the suggestion. I really appreciate it. I definitely consider asking the seller. It’s funny how at one time I thought I would never get going with this business and now I have a few potential deals to keep me busy for now. I’m full time now, by choice, yes and no. I was recently devastated by my last job when they dropped the bomb on me that I was through. I’ve been trying to get started part-time and moved slow. Now I have time and before going right back to the grind of working for someone else. I’ve given myself two months of full time real estate investing to make my mark. I really don’t want to work for anyone again!! This is my chance and I’m going to give it everything I got, and then some! I’m sorry, I tend to get very emotionally hyped up when I talk about not working for anyone again. To end this message, thanks again for your reply and I totally appreciate it!

Any help appreciated - Posted by harryb

Posted by harryb on February 04, 2003 at 13:09:23:

I’ve come across another good deal at least it seems like one to me. I was researching a house in a nice township in NJ where the houses appreciate very well. The seller is asking for $125000 but the house needs work. It’s a 3bdrm/1bth house with a nice front and fenced backyard. I’m sure it could go for $135000 to $142000 renovated. Here’s the thing, I found out through my research that the sellers bought the house from a family member for a dollar. Now, when I spoke with the sellers I believe they will be flexible and that was before I found out about what they paid. Now I’m not saying that they don’t care about how much they receive I just think that they will be more flexible with price and terms. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should present to the seller? Any ideas will be appreciated.

Re: Any help appreciated - Posted by Al - So Cal

Posted by Al - So Cal on February 04, 2003 at 18:26:50:

I made a fortune a few years ago on buying an ocean-
front home.
I asked the BIG MAGICAL QUESTION - Whats your bottom
line on this and can you carry any paper?`
He came back with one heck of a deal and I was shocked.
We wrote it up right then and there.
Ask the seller to come up with the deal for you. He
may just have an idea or two.