Another newbie question - Posted by Tom Henderson

Posted by Mike (IL) on April 26, 2002 at 21:27:58:

I am new too. Kelley Blue Book has a mobile home book, but you have to buy it. has pricing, but they don’t have specific manufacturer pricing unless you pay. They will give you pricing on dimension and condition on the web page for free.

Mike (IL)

Another newbie question - Posted by Tom Henderson

Posted by Tom Henderson on April 26, 2002 at 21:22:29:

I am interested in getting into the MH business. What is the best way to determine how much a used MH is worth. Being completely new at this, is there a book that will give the value of one MH over another. Thanks

Read, then ask … - Posted by Jerry Freeman

Posted by Jerry Freeman on April 27, 2002 at 07:00:01:

Obviously, you haven’t read all the posts on this page. If you had, you would have discovered an excellent string of posts a little further down the page that covers the pros and cons of using the guidebooks.

As a general rule, you can find answers to most questions if you read ALL the posts that are current and use the archive search function if necessary. Then, if you can’t find the information you’re looking for, post your question. There are many experienced people here who will be delighted to help you.

This is a knowledge business. It will pay you to develop a voracious appetite for digging into this kind of reading material.

Best wishes,

Re: Another newbie question - Posted by Mike (IL)

Posted by Mike (IL) on April 26, 2002 at 21:55:40:

I’m sorry! The correct page is

Mike (IL)