Analyzing potential deals - Posted by SteveOH

Posted by Mark on September 07, 2004 at 22:38:03:


Not to be flip, but the best way to quickly analyze property is to know your neighborhood. If you are targeting an area as your “farm,” you need to drive the area, walk the area and talk to the people who live there. You also need to go to the county courthouse for that area and study recent sales and what’s being levied for taxes, etc. Sounds like work, and it is, but it’s not overly hard and the mileage, flyers and whatever else you use to catch the attention of your customers is a business tax deduction.

Analyzing potential deals - Posted by SteveOH

Posted by SteveOH on September 07, 2004 at 13:20:56:

I’m starting to get some calls and I’m finding that it’s
taking me too long to evaluate potential deals. I think
the main reasons are not knowing the neighborhood and not
having a good way to do comps. Can anyone share how they
got to where they’re able to quickly analyze a possible
deal. Thanks!