Analyze this deal for me???? - Posted by kevin

Posted by dutch on September 02, 2006 at 08:43:01:

Well, you answered your own question. If the numbers don’t work, walk.

Personally, I think you CAN make this cash flow. But it means selling it Owner Carry and getting the cash flow from the interest spread.

Good luck.


Analyze this deal for me??? - Posted by kevin

Posted by kevin on August 29, 2006 at 14:54:22:

Lady calls me today with house to sell.

She is 2 pmts behind, has some kind of sickness and out of work.

She said she wants to simply get rid of the house off her back and $0 money.


ARV: 130,000
Age: 15 yrs old home
Repairs: 2,000 (cosmetics)
Mortgage: 106,000 ( 998/mo PITI, fix rate)

Equity: 25k approx.

My first thought is to work out a short sale with the bank, what do you guys think ??

suggestions welcome…

Re: Analyze this deal for me??? - Posted by dutch

Posted by dutch on August 29, 2006 at 15:11:05:

Short sale is unlikly at only 2 months behind, and they are always iffy. Depends on her situation, income, etc.

I would do this deal Sub2, make up the 2 payments and the repairs $4000 total, L/O or Sell it Owner carry for 135,000, $5000 minimum down payment, at an interest rate of whatever the underlying note is plus 3 or 4%. Put a 1 to 3 year balloon or option time frame and collect the cash flow until then, then get the big check when they refi.

Good luck.


problems with what you suggest… - Posted by Kevin

Posted by Kevin on September 02, 2006 at 06:19:19:

You suggest making up 2 pmts + repairs. This will come to around $4,000 out of pocket.

Plus, I’m thinking its gonna take atleast 2 months to find a qualified tenant buyer.

So, cost is $6,000.

As for rent, I could probably only get $950-$1,000/mo for this home, making for almost no cash flow!

Is this still a good idea…

thank you… - Posted by kevin

Posted by kevin on September 02, 2006 at 06:16:01:

I will look into this sub2 you have described and see if I can make a profitable deal out of it…

Re: Analyze this deal for me??? - Posted by Luke

Posted by Luke on August 29, 2006 at 17:18:53:

That’s a solid plan.