Am I getting the best deal I can on financing - Posted by joe gianni

Posted by joe gianni on July 29, 2002 at 18:38:28:

California.3 year pre-payment penalty i can live with.Is it just as easy to get fixed rate as an adjustable.I:E: 5% down no doc loan.What is the goin rat for fixed rate right ow

Am I getting the best deal I can on financing - Posted by joe gianni

Posted by joe gianni on July 29, 2002 at 15:22:36:

Buying a house in the Palm Springs area for about 200k.My credit is good (711).Stated income loan 5% down.Rate is 3 points above COF index can change monthly.currently 5.7%?.Closing cost 1 point max.
Another person told me about taking out a first and a second to avoid pmi insurance.

Any help would be appreciated.
BTW we haven’t found our house yet,so if anyone has a house in a nice area of palm springs area e me.

Re: Am I getting the best deal I can on financing - Posted by Ken

Posted by Ken on July 29, 2002 at 15:45:34:

First question,Florida or California? Second thing is that the rates are so low right now that you may want to find a fixed rate loan. Adjustable COFI’s are something to seek when the rates are high. Also, watch out for Prepayment Penalties.