AIRA sublease? - Posted by Chad (MD)

Posted by Chad (MD) on November 28, 2008 at 12:31:05:

Someone already pointed out that I can deal with AIRS directly; there’s no reason to do a sandwich lease.

AIRA sublease? - Posted by Chad (MD)

Posted by Chad (MD) on November 28, 2008 at 10:48:16:

Hi All,

I’m having a hard time renting one of my houses in East Baltimore. This guy wants to lease from me and sub-lease to AIRS Empire Homes of MD.

Does anyone have experience dealing with this organization or with sub-leasing?

Here is their website:

It sounds risky to me because if he stops paying I will have to evict the people living in the house – whom I have no lease with!

Any and all advice is appreciated.



Edit: Should be AIRS – nt - Posted by Chad (MD)

Posted by Chad (MD) on November 28, 2008 at 10:49:59:

Should be AIRS