After studying - Posted by ace burns

Posted by David Butler on March 07, 2003 at 15:40:09:

Hello Again Ace,

Can’t speak for others, but often just a question of time! If a guy is working, he has to squeeze in when he can to try and contribute to Discussion Forums. Just a matter of when and how often, in relation to whatever else he has going on at the moment.

Hope that helps too, and have a great weekend :wink:

David P. Butler

After studying - Posted by ace burns

Posted by ace burns on March 04, 2003 at 15:09:47:

Tin Can Alley, I think its college course quality. As a former r.e. investor and landlord, I’m now into m.h. paper.
I have a couple of questions-in pure brokering this paper-
how do I contract for commissions like a realtor does through listing contracts? Or do I have to double close
with flips where I buy and sell the subject note or portfolios at the same time while protecting my position?
Also are David Butler’s forms and contracts available on disc? I’m fine with valuations, calculations, and due diligence, as thats where most of the work is and for me its fun.Thanks.

Tin Can Alley! - Posted by David Butler

Posted by David Butler on March 07, 2003 at 15:32:35:

Hello Ace,

Hey… thank you for your observation on Tin Can Alley, and greatly appreciate the input! :wink:

Okay… with respect to your several questions here…

Q. How do I contract for commissions like a realtor does through listing contracts?

A. You would become a realtor in some states, or a licensed mortgage broker in others - depending on that state’s laws regarding the actual activities you perform!

However, that defeats the purpose of “ease-of-entry” that is offered by buying and selling notes in the private cash flow marketplace! That’s why you do not see any kind of “commission” forms, or client “representation forms” in Tin Can Alley. In fact, in all my years in the note business, I have never seen a course about the business, or the private cash flow industry as a whole, that even remotely discusses anything about representing buyers or sellers!

And although a great many state officials, attorneys, and other professionals are often confused about what we do, that won’t matter - if we aren’t confused about what we do. Why don’t we just do it the way those before us have done it, and simply act on our own behalf, as a Note Investor, and/or a Note Finder? Why not do what all the course materials suggest, and simply represent yourself? There have been an awful lot of folks out here over the past 60 years, who have made a lot of money working with “notes”… rather than working with “clients”. That’s what we do, and that’s what “Tin Can Alley” is all about!

Q. Or do I have to double close with flips where I buy and sell the subject note or portfolios at the same time while protecting my position?

A. Double escrowing is one alternative among many. I do have a detailed report, “Self-Preservation In The Cash Flow Business” that discusses these alternatives, and how to use them. Feel free to email me privately if you would like to receive a copy.

Q. Also are David Butler’s forms and contracts available on disc?

A. No, not at this time. But the publisher has indicated they will begin making those available in May of this year.

Okay… hope that helps, and best wishes for your success on “Tin Can Alley”.

David P. Butler

Re: After studying - Posted by ace

Posted by ace on March 05, 2003 at 18:26:07:

Doesn’t David Butler or anyone else have any answers or comments? Thanks.