Advice on where to Begin?! - Posted by E. B. Jamie Whitten

Posted by Brent_IL on April 28, 2004 at 19:18:24:

Check out Joe Kaiser’s courses; available here.

Advice on where to Begin?! - Posted by E. B. Jamie Whitten

Posted by E. B. Jamie Whitten on April 28, 2004 at 15:10:32:

Great to have found this forum! My family, meaning my wife and I, in-laws and aunt/uncle, have decided to begin investing in realestate. They have the “money” and need the tax breaks, and my wife and I have the desire! So, tag WE are it!

Our county, and immediate surrounding areas, appear to have a fairly lucrative open market of foreclosures. Judging from what I have found on the internet and newspapers. Development is really big here, but so are some of the foreclosures! I have found everything from $12,000 - $1.5 mil, plus entire developments.

We feel that may be our best place to start. Not looking to get into rental properties just yet, rather “getting our feet wet”, and making some positive money and learning all that is involved!

I am familiar with archive searching and will use it here. But, are their any recommended books, courses, and or seminars specifically targeting foreclosures that ya’ll recommend?

I am familiar with the Carlton Sheets and Russ Whitney programs, but wonder about the cost verses “basic overview information aspect”. If ya’ll recommend one of those then I will investigate it as a “beginners course”.

I appreciate the information and please feel free to email me.

Re: Advice on where to Begin?! - Posted by terry

Posted by terry on April 29, 2004 at 03:26:11:

i strongly suggest david finkle and peter conti.
their web site is
i am using this one.
these guys match my personallity and i think they are the best.
also robert allen has a lot of good info.
make sure you can find one you can relate to.