Addtional Phone Number for Ads - Posted by John B

Posted by Rick on February 02, 2004 at 18:43:02:

Thanks Tom.

Addtional Phone Number for Ads - Posted by John B

Posted by John B on February 01, 2004 at 10:22:50:


I was wondering knew of a way to buy/rent an additional local phone number that then can be forwarded to cell, answering service, etc. I was thinking the cheapest way would be to have a phone number terminate at voice mail when not forwarded, but I can not seem to find a provider that does this.

I cant buy an additional line from the phone company as there as some wiring issues my apartment. I checked with my cell provider and they need me to sign up for an additional plan which is a bit too costly considering all I want is phone number.

Any suggestions?

Thank you


Re: Addtional Phone Number for Ads - Posted by Elizabeth

Posted by Elizabeth on February 02, 2004 at 17:49:29:

I can tell you that if I call a number that only gives me voice mail more than 2 times, I don’t deal with that person. Ask your local phone company about getting a toll free or local number that rings on the same phone. (compare the difference in pricing before choosing.) The number would ring in the house, office, wherever you designate it. It gives you a professional appearance and you can even designate a distinctive ringing pattern for that number so you’ll automatically know when an incoming call is for your real estate deals.

Re: Addtional Phone Number for Ads - Posted by Tom-FL

Posted by Tom-FL on February 01, 2004 at 22:16:34:

I pick up pagers for $50 a year including the pager. I believe the service includes forwarding (for an extra few dollars), an you can send faxes to the pager, which are then emailed to you.

Re: Addtional Phone Number for Ads - Posted by Jerry Martin NC

Posted by Jerry Martin NC on February 01, 2004 at 19:56:30:

Remote call forwarding is what I have. It is only about $21.00 a month and I have numbers in Four towns.

Family Plan - Posted by Carmen_FL

Posted by Carmen_FL on February 01, 2004 at 18:08:15:

You may want to check into a Family Plan for your cell phone. With Cingular Wireless, we pay $9.99/month for each extra phone number, which can go to voice mail or be forwarded. I am sure that other providers have similar plans.

As for the Distinctive Ring services, I don’t believe they can be forwarded individually by the phone company. However, there is a company that sells a “Privacy Call Ring Director” for about $100 that would do that, for up to 4 Distinctive Ring numbers: That would solve the problem, and give you up to 4 numbers to use. In my area, the price for each distinctive ring number is about $3.00/month.

If you don’t need a local number, there are many 800-number providers that charge very little for the number itself, and charge you for the usage (e.g.

Re: Addtional Phone Number for Ads - Posted by -Jimbo-

Posted by -Jimbo- on February 01, 2004 at 14:25:50:

Depending upon your area, you could try a cell phone company that allows free incoming calls such as Nextel. Just make suer you have a pen and paper handy wherever you go.

A thought.


Re: Addtional Phone Number for Ads - Posted by B.L.Renfrow

Posted by B.L.Renfrow on February 01, 2004 at 10:40:34:

What about a distinctive-ring number, or whatever it’s called in your area? My phone company offers that service for a nominal fee. I forget exactly how much per month it costs, but it’s way less than a second line.

It uses the same wiring and phone as your existing line, but when a caller dials the second number, you get a different ring on your end. As to whether that number could be forwarded to voice mail while your main number is not, you’d have to ask the phone company about that.

Brian (NY)

Re: Addtional Phone Number for Ads - Posted by Rick

Posted by Rick on February 01, 2004 at 22:42:57:


What is the name of your service provider?
Do you have a customer service number?


Re: Addtional Phone Number for Ads - Posted by Jerry Martin NC

Posted by Jerry Martin NC on February 01, 2004 at 20:02:01:

I have remote call forwarding in 4 cities. All calls come to my cell phone. They get a live person to talk to. You would be suprised at how many times I have bought a property because I could go look at it on the spot. Cost about $20.00 a month per line.

Re: Addtional Phone Number for Ads - Posted by Tom-FL

Posted by Tom-FL on February 02, 2004 at 18:17:39:

Well, I think they are local, but I could be wrong. They have several URLs.,, and

Re: Addtional Phone Number for Ads - Posted by Jerry Martin

Posted by Jerry Martin on February 01, 2004 at 20:03:29:

Sorry about the double post.